I know there are lots of different reasons for a soldier going on leave.
Einsatzurlaub, Genesungsurlaub etc. etc..
Now I have seen an entry for:
Sonderurlaub gem. Ziff.1,f dar Ausnahmebestimmung O.K.W.
I know it is a special leave, but could someone help me with the reasons for such a special leave?
Is 'gem. Ziff.1,f' probably a code giving the reason or how do I need to interpret this?
Interesting to see is that this man on the day he came back from this leave received the K.V.K. I. klasse.
I hope someone can clear this up!
Thanks in advance!
Einsatzurlaub, Genesungsurlaub etc. etc..
Now I have seen an entry for:
Sonderurlaub gem. Ziff.1,f dar Ausnahmebestimmung O.K.W.
I know it is a special leave, but could someone help me with the reasons for such a special leave?
Is 'gem. Ziff.1,f' probably a code giving the reason or how do I need to interpret this?
Interesting to see is that this man on the day he came back from this leave received the K.V.K. I. klasse.
I hope someone can clear this up!
Thanks in advance!