I recently picked up this Soldbuch... Figured I should share it with you all.
Soldbuch is named to a 'Wilhelm Feldhaar' born 29.12.1921 in Rhede Germany, which is in northwestern Germany within a few miles from The Netherlands.
Wilhelm lived with his father, Heinrich, in Karlstraße 12 in Rhede.
When he was only 19 he joined the Wehrmacht, and was put into Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon 16. He would be transferred to a few various Pionier-Lehr-Bataillons and at some point around 1942/43 ended up on the Eastern front attached to the 170. Infanterie-Division and has an entry for the Wound Badge In Black, yet no lazarett entries interestingly enough.
Sometime in early to mid 1944 he was transferred from Pionier-Lehr-Bataillon 4 to Panzer-Pionier-Lehr-Bataillon 130, which was apart of the Elite Panzer-Lehr-Division.
The last time he would go back home to Karlstraße 12 to visit his father would be 28 January 1944.
He was be issued a rifle, bayonet, shovel, and lots of other various field equipment in February and March.
The Panzer-Lehr-Division would engage in heavy battles with the British and Canadians in and around Caen. Wilhelm would be killed on 14 June 1944 most likely north of the town Villers-Bocage.
Here is his Volksbund entry.
I have more pictures off all the other pages, if interested. Take care!
Soldbuch is named to a 'Wilhelm Feldhaar' born 29.12.1921 in Rhede Germany, which is in northwestern Germany within a few miles from The Netherlands.
Wilhelm lived with his father, Heinrich, in Karlstraße 12 in Rhede.
When he was only 19 he joined the Wehrmacht, and was put into Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon 16. He would be transferred to a few various Pionier-Lehr-Bataillons and at some point around 1942/43 ended up on the Eastern front attached to the 170. Infanterie-Division and has an entry for the Wound Badge In Black, yet no lazarett entries interestingly enough.
Sometime in early to mid 1944 he was transferred from Pionier-Lehr-Bataillon 4 to Panzer-Pionier-Lehr-Bataillon 130, which was apart of the Elite Panzer-Lehr-Division.
The last time he would go back home to Karlstraße 12 to visit his father would be 28 January 1944.
He was be issued a rifle, bayonet, shovel, and lots of other various field equipment in February and March.
The Panzer-Lehr-Division would engage in heavy battles with the British and Canadians in and around Caen. Wilhelm would be killed on 14 June 1944 most likely north of the town Villers-Bocage.
Here is his Volksbund entry.
I have more pictures off all the other pages, if interested. Take care!