DAY 67th Anniversary of the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City><ST1lace>Dieppe</ST1lace></st1:City> Raid. On this occasion I thought it was an appropriate time to post this Wehrpass. I doubt that this fellow fired a shot, as he was a stretcher-bearer, but as his unit was involved in <st1:City><ST1lace>Dieppe</ST1lace></st1:City> he more than likely helped move the wounded and dead from both sides. The entry in the “<st1:City><ST1lace>Battle</ST1lace></st1:City>” page is most interesting!
Any other “Dieppe Books” out there?
Any other “Dieppe Books” out there?