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For Angel! Krimschild Soldbuch with shield being worn...

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    For Angel! Krimschild Soldbuch with shield being worn...

    Just for you Angel,

    Attached image of the Soldbuch to Oberzahlmeister Franz Bluhm...clearly seen is the Krimschild being worn in the photo.


    Attached Files
    Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

    Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1

    Larger scan of photo.....
    Attached Files
    Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

    Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


      Award page....
      Attached Files
      Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

      Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


        Units page....Bluhm served with the following:

        Frontsammelstelle K (FP No. 36287)
        Formed 14.11.1939 in Hamburg, WK X;
        Action: 2 Armee in Bonn; since 27.5.1940 successively Bertrix, Charleville, Hirson, Chalons s/M, Provins; 7.9.1940 in Sens, here 19.10.1940 under Hgr. D; 20.11.1940 in Freiburg/Br., WK V; 7.1.1941 again assigned this time in Rumania with 12 Armee (Bukarest); From 6.3. successively Stara Zagora, Gorna Djumaja, Saloniki; 11.6.1941 with 11 Armee in
        Buzau then Jassy; On 11.8.1941 became Frontsammelstelle 10 (AOK 11).

        Frontsammelstelle 10
        Formed 11.8.1941 in south Russia from Frontsammelstelle K.
        Action 1941: 17. Armee Jassy, Kischinew, Nikolajew, Cherson, Dshankoi, 1942 September Befehlshaber Krim and November Heeresgruppe A, 1944 with 6 Armee in Nagy Karolyi, Vac (Waitzen) and Neuhäusel.
        Deckname “Oskar”.

        1945 he was redisignated Oberleutnant und Truppen Offizier and transferred to:

        Grenadier Regiment 1051
        Formed 10.2.1944 (25th wave) in nortj France with AOK 15 from Grenadier-Regiment 1022 (without III.), on 18.11.1943 was established in the 1st wave of Ersatzheeres in WK VI; in the Normandy cauldron from Falaise (20.8.) destroyed; in the area of Kleve again reformed.
        G: I. 1-4, II. 5-8,III. 9-12, 13, 14 (Autumn 1944 without III.)
        U: 84 Inf. Div: 1944 Channel coast, Normandy (Falaise); Eifel, Venlo, Kleve, 1945 Kleve, Wesel
        E: 328 Aachen, WK VI

        84 InfanterieDivision
        (WK VI, E 328 Aachen)
        Formed 2.2.1944 as Division of the 25th wave with Ob.West in north France (AOK 15 near Dieppe) from orders of
        OKH 9.1.1944 wiht Grenadier Regiment 1022 of the 1st wave of Ersatzheeres as cadre, in addition I./1032 of the 2nd wave; the Division was first double tracked.

        Grenadier-Regiment 1051 I.-III. aus Grenadier-Regiment 1022
        Grenadier-Regiment 1052 I.-III. aus I./1032 und III./1022
        Artillerie-Regiment 184 I.-III. aus Artillerie-Abteilung 1032 und 1022
        Division units 184.
        On 12.6.1944 the Division received a Division Füsilier Bataillon 84 and in November a III. Abteilung of Artillerie Regiments, during this III. (Flak) became IV. Abteilung. The Division became on 29.7. transferred to Normandy and
        on 20.8. destroyed in the Falaise cauldron.
        Further raised in the area of Kleve. As the third Regiment of the Division, since December 1944 Grenadier-Regiment Katzmann appeared and on 24.12. renumbered “1062". On 16.10.1944 Luftwaffen-Festungs-Bataillon XVII was integrated into the Division; Füsilier-Bataillon 84 became replaced on 7.10.1944 through I./Grenadier-Regiment Wann (5.9.1944 as I./1165):
        Grenadier-Regiment 1051 I., II.
        Grenadier-Regiment 1052 I., II.
        Grenadier-Regiment 1062 I., II.
        Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 84
        Artillerie-Regiment 184 I.-IV.
        Division units 184.
        The Division was in the bridgegeade near Wesel smashed and in the Lüneburger Heide further raised.
        1944 February/April setting up 15. Armee "D" West Kanalküste
        May/July at disposal 15. Armee "B" Westen Kanalküste
        Aug. (Remains) LXXXIV 7. Armee "D" Westen Eifel
        Sept. (Remains) LXXXVIII 1. Fs.Armee "B" Westen Venlo
        Oct./Nov. (Kgr.) II. Fs. 1. Fs.Armee "B" Westen Kleve
        December (Kgr.) II. Fs. 1. Fs.Armee "H" Westen Kleve
        1945 January (Kgr.) LXXXVI 1. Fs.Armee "H" Westen Kleve
        February/March LXXXVI 1. Fs.Armee "H" Westen Kleve, Wesel
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Ian Jewison; 11-17-2003, 04:13 AM.
        Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

        Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


          Other ancilliary documents including Sonderausweis, Marschbefehl, Uniform-Bezugschein, Grenzübertrittsschein für Norwegen, Ausweis etc.
          Attached Files
          Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

          Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


            No rare document by any means, however this one is interesting as it still has the original train reservation ticket attached!
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Ian Jewison; 11-17-2003, 05:08 AM.
            Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

            Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


              And now one for Simon!!!

              A border crossing pass for Oslo, Norway
              Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

              Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


                Finally a temporary pass from the school for Truppen Sonder Dienst, after completing a retraining course Bluhm was redisganted Truppen Offizier and received the rank of Oberleutnant..he finally tranferred to Grenadier Regiment 1051.
                Attached Files
                Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

                Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


                  Thanks Ian, after a lot of time in contact with Stijn I think he has pass on me his virus, but in a less virulent variant, the Krim variant to be exact, and now I have a special predilection for such campaign medal.

                  Very nice piece you have here. Hope to see you more in the forum.

                  Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                    Shields disease

                    Hi Angel and Ian,

                    @ Ian: very very nice grouping you have tehre my friend (but then again what did we expect

                    @ Angel: You have now a very nasty disease my friend, it will hit you wherever you walk and iff you encounter a nice krimshield (or related documents etc ... ) you will feel the unbearable desire to buy and have that certain item

                    Anyway keep up the good collectingspirit

                    Cordial greetings,
                    my collectionfield : German glider pilots



                      Originally posted by Stijn David
                      Hi Angel and Ian,

                      @ Ian: very very nice grouping you have tehre my friend (but then again what did we expect

                      @ Angel: You have now a very nasty disease my friend, it will hit you wherever you walk and iff you encounter a nice krimshield (or related documents etc ... ) you will feel the unbearable desire to buy and have that certain item

                      Anyway keep up the good collectingspirit

                      Cordial greetings,

                      Thanks for the advise Stijn, but I'm worry it arrives too late. I suffered this irresistible impulse to buy every group Krim related, did you see the Cholm group that Peter has in his web`page? I sent you a PM.

                      Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                        Here is my contribution - the Soldbuch of Johann Neuburger of IR 460.

                        Neuberger was awarded the Westwallmedaille, Wound badge, EK I and II, Ostmedaille and Krimschild.

                        Erich Craciun
                        Attached Files


                          Originally posted by erichcraciun
                          Here is my contribution - the Soldbuch of Johann Neuburger of IR 460.

                          Neuberger was awarded the Westwallmedaille, Wound badge, EK I and II, Ostmedaille and Krimschild.

                          Erich Craciun
                          What a wonderfull Christmas present are you going to make me, I have sent you a PM with my full address so you can send it to me quuickly, thanks again

                          Wonderfullpiece and thanks to show it to us. Now I have some minor groups, but no one showing the shield in wear so when, note I not use if, decided to sell it, soon please, drop me a line.

                          Can you show us the award page, it's rare he did not received the IAB.


                          Why not in my collection
                          Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                            More from Neuberger's Soldbuch. Awards page. The Westwall Medaille is on page 21.

                            Notice the EK 1 is not entered in the Soldbuch, however in the private foto of Neuberger, he is wearing it (thanks for the foto Ian!) The Krimschild entry is in pencil! But he was awarded it - he is wearing it in the foto!

                            Ian - do you have an idea why Neuberger's EK 2 is issued 'laut Urkunde des 3./IR 467', when according to the unit page, Neuberger never served in IR 467. This Soldbuch was issued on 25. Sept. 1939.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by erichcraciun; 11-20-2003, 08:47 PM.


                              Hi Erich,

                              Inf.Rgt. 460, 260 Inf.Div. From May 1942 XII AK, 4 Armee, Hgr. Mitte, Spass-Demensk

                              Inf.Rgt. 467, 267 Inf.Div. From June 1942 XXVII AK, 4 Armee, Hgr. Mitte Spass-Demensk

                              Apart from being under the same Armee and Heeresgruppen I can not see any specific detachement for either unit for the time mentioned, however this could have been at Kompanie level only and would not be referred to in the references I have.

                              There is a link here with a bit of info re: 460.


                              Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

                              Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


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