Today I managed to buy a soldbuch of a member of Panzer Abteilung 7/Panzer Regiment 39. EK1, EK2, Ostmedaille, Panzerkampfabzeichen, Panzerkampfabzeichen Stufe II, wounded badge in black and silver, Infanteriesturmabzeichen (he first was with the Infanterie).
The award doc's of EK2, VWA in black and IAB are also available. These are from his former unit, Infanterie Regiment 417
With it is a album with mostly Wehrmacht photo's and a few black wrapper photo's. There is a second album with VERY good pictures of him, serving in the Bundeswehr in the fifties and sixties.
Unfortunately, the cover is denazified and the pages 1-4 and 21-24 are missing. There are however two statements (1958 and 1959) that he was entiteld to the medals that are mentioned above. So the medals and papers of some of his awards are destroyed in the war.