Thanks for the help.
I was hoping it was the guys name...
Can you also decipher what is written on the back of this photo. All I can read is the first line: Im Park bei unseren Villa...
Im Park bei unserer Villa aufgenommen. Es blühen die schönsten Rosen und Blumen in allen Farben.
Ich wünschte, ich könnte Euch all das schöne, die Pracht und auch den Reichtum der hier gewesen ist,
zeigen, das gibts nicht bald wieder.
Thanks for the help.
I was hoping it was the guys name...
Can you also decipher what is written on the back of this photo. All I can read is the first line: Im Park bei unseren Villa...
Thanks a lot again. To bad there isnt any real info in the writting, like a date or location...
I have more things to read in Suttermein, but will try to decipher them myself with the link that was posted