a friend has entrusted me with her late father's wehrpass, awards documents and photo album and i am trying to decipher them. her father was in the 1(?) pioneer battalion of the 297th infanterie division and won the ek 1 and 2 as well as the wound badge in black and assault badge in silver( all signed by general max pfeffer). he was wounded in russia in january of 1941 and left the division ( shot in the chest by a sniper while laying charges on a bridge, he detonated the charge before losing conciousness, lost a lung, awarded wound badge and ek1,). i am trying to decipher what happened next, the wehrpass states he was then in 'pi. erl. btl. 7', what does erl. mean? replacement?
i will try to post photos.
i will try to post photos.