Interesting he was wounded badly enough for the Gold badge, but took another 5 1/2 months to be awarded an EK2...
More pics of the book possible?
Unless it was nighttime, or the weather was bad, and you were running out of gas - then it was a sweaty nightmare, like a monkey f*ing a skunk.
~ Dan Hampton, Viper Pilot
Unless it was nighttime, or the weather was bad, and you were running out of gas - then it was a sweaty nightmare, like a monkey f*ing a skunk.
~ Dan Hampton, Viper Pilot
"Interesting he was wounded badly enough for the Gold badge, but took another 5 1/2 months to be awarded an EK2..."
- Quite normal, after you get a wounded badge in silver or gold you are automaticily intitled to an EK2 but the administration takes a while to follow, so their is usualy some time inbetween.
The wounded badge is usualy awarded by the hospital and the EK2 by the wehrbezirkscommando in these cases.
Actually, the doctor has the authority to award the EKII for the silver and gold badge awarded for a one time wound. There is actually a special document printed for that. In this case, he didn't and the Wehrbezikskommando caught it when the guy was discharged.
Jeff is correct.
But in all the examples I have seen their is periode inbetween the silver/gold wounded badge award and the EK2.
This is for the cases were a single wound is large enough to be awarded with a gold or silver wounded badge.
Also I believe a CCC comes together with an automatic EK2 award.