I originally purchased this Soldbuch due to the fact that the owner so clearly marked it as a Polezei Soldbuch. His clear attempt at covering the SS Soldbuch was a novelty in my eyes.
In the later parts of the war Himmler decided to make the Polezei part of the SS. Not liking this, the Polezei owners with SS Soldbuchs, removed the runes (In this case the owner penned Polezei in various areas). They wanted nothing to do with being known as SS.
The only issues that confuse me is the fact that
a. all of the ink stamps from Hamburg contain no swastikas.
b. the picture looks as if the swastika was removed from his police arm patch when taken.
c. The mention of Fire Police in the soldbuch
Now before you scream postwar, the date of issue was on January 1, 1945. Well before the end of the war. Any help would be appreciated.
In the later parts of the war Himmler decided to make the Polezei part of the SS. Not liking this, the Polezei owners with SS Soldbuchs, removed the runes (In this case the owner penned Polezei in various areas). They wanted nothing to do with being known as SS.
The only issues that confuse me is the fact that
a. all of the ink stamps from Hamburg contain no swastikas.
b. the picture looks as if the swastika was removed from his police arm patch when taken.
c. The mention of Fire Police in the soldbuch
Now before you scream postwar, the date of issue was on January 1, 1945. Well before the end of the war. Any help would be appreciated.