Just received a super looking soldbuch from a member of the vaunted German Afrikakorps.
The first appears with the "Afrikanischen Boden betreten" entry dated 11.7.42:
FP number is 06844
The next appears with an entry dated 1.9.42:
FP number is 36054
The last appears on the DAK's surrender date 10.5.43:
FP number is 30496
Can anyone please help?
Thank you,
Just received a super looking soldbuch from a member of the vaunted German Afrikakorps.
The first appears with the "Afrikanischen Boden betreten" entry dated 11.7.42:
FP number is 06844
The next appears with an entry dated 1.9.42:
FP number is 36054
The last appears on the DAK's surrender date 10.5.43:
FP number is 30496
Can anyone please help?
Thank you,