(28.4.1940-19.9.1940) B.d.U., dann Vorposten-Flottille Bordeaux,
(1.10.1940-27.2.1941) 16. Vorposten-Flottillen-Kommando.
The dates indicated that between 28.4.1940-19.9.1940 it belonged to B.d.U., dann Vorposten-Flottille Bordeaux.
Then between 1.10.1940-27.2.1941 it was transferred for used with 16. Vorposten-Flottillen-Kommando. It remained in used with that unit until the end of the war.
In reality 16. Vorposten-Flottillen was formed in July 1940 as 16. Vorpostengruppe. 20.9.1940 it received the designation 16. Vorpostenflottille.
So the dates can only be taken as a guide in the FP Nr. books, further research into their units is required for the "big" picture.