I bought this Feldpostbrief in Senftenberg last weekend.
It is from an SS Hauptsturmfuehrer. He writes to his wife that all the viennese / Wiener in his unit have not heard from their families in Wien for a long time and he is hoping htat his letters are arriving.
Since I do not have my Feldpostverzeichnis with me, can anyone tell me what unit Fp Nr. 46752 in 1945 was to?
Besten Dank
I bought this Feldpostbrief in Senftenberg last weekend.
It is from an SS Hauptsturmfuehrer. He writes to his wife that all the viennese / Wiener in his unit have not heard from their families in Wien for a long time and he is hoping htat his letters are arriving.
Since I do not have my Feldpostverzeichnis with me, can anyone tell me what unit Fp Nr. 46752 in 1945 was to?
Besten Dank