Hello !
With showing more pages, a few things become more clear :
1.) His possible task in 1936 - 1939 (with Flak units) :
He was trained on "Kommandogerät".
This should have been an aiming and range measuring device. You can find examples in the two links (first link at the bottom):
The second link is "only" a link to a model builder site, but I am always deeply impressed how much effort
goes into building such dioramas with so many details !
They really do great research before building something, therefore I assume that it should give a good example.
2.) Regarding the "Bekleidungs" topic :
He had two very short courses related to that :
12.6.39 - 27.6.39 : Funktionslehrgang (Mob.) Bekleidungs-Verwalter Fest.Flak.Abt. 31
17.5. -22.5.43 Lehrgang für Bekleidungsverwalter bei Flugplatz-Kommando Metz-Freskaty
I have asked a similar question here :
However in my case, the course was ~6 month (and for a "Zahlmeisterei-Ausbildung" (to become an official / Beamter)).
"My soldier" later did not become an official, but became "Hfw. of a battalion" (= similar to a "Spiess" function )
and also a Bataillons-Schreiber (doing adminstrative tasks).
So it could be similar in your case and he had the tasks of a QMS as you suggested,
but I think there are still other tasks possible for him.
3.) After serving in some Flak units again in mid 1944, he served with Luftgau-Kdo. XII/XIII.
This should have been located in Wiesbaden (according to Tessin) and was formed by a merger of Lw. elements of WK XII and XIII :
These Luftwaffe topics are beyond my understanding ...
That's what I can add, because of the entries shown.
Best regards,
With showing more pages, a few things become more clear :
1.) His possible task in 1936 - 1939 (with Flak units) :
He was trained on "Kommandogerät".
This should have been an aiming and range measuring device. You can find examples in the two links (first link at the bottom):
The second link is "only" a link to a model builder site, but I am always deeply impressed how much effort
goes into building such dioramas with so many details !
They really do great research before building something, therefore I assume that it should give a good example.
2.) Regarding the "Bekleidungs" topic :
He had two very short courses related to that :
12.6.39 - 27.6.39 : Funktionslehrgang (Mob.) Bekleidungs-Verwalter Fest.Flak.Abt. 31
17.5. -22.5.43 Lehrgang für Bekleidungsverwalter bei Flugplatz-Kommando Metz-Freskaty
I have asked a similar question here :
However in my case, the course was ~6 month (and for a "Zahlmeisterei-Ausbildung" (to become an official / Beamter)).
"My soldier" later did not become an official, but became "Hfw. of a battalion" (= similar to a "Spiess" function )
and also a Bataillons-Schreiber (doing adminstrative tasks).
So it could be similar in your case and he had the tasks of a QMS as you suggested,
but I think there are still other tasks possible for him.
3.) After serving in some Flak units again in mid 1944, he served with Luftgau-Kdo. XII/XIII.
This should have been located in Wiesbaden (according to Tessin) and was formed by a merger of Lw. elements of WK XII and XIII :
These Luftwaffe topics are beyond my understanding ...
That's what I can add, because of the entries shown.
Best regards,