I showed this sometime ago, now I gathered all info I have and present it here again hoping anyone can fill the blanks and help me to clarified some obscure times in his service time.
Thanks an feel free to ask or comment.
Now a tricky one to research, those independent units are difficult to track and so my research has some holes I hope someone can help me to fill. Also when sold originally there are with the group a photo album with 65 photos, but this was split before being offered to me and now is missing from the group, maybe someone knows his whereabouts.
Our guy was born in September 12th, 1.923 in Habinghorst (Castrop-Rauxel), he was catholic and I need some help todecypher his occupation (at the end of war he was described in his release paper as Zugabfertiger, Train supervisor)
He was an sport lover and he went to earn the Reichsjugendsportabzeichen on October 7th, 1.941 and the Reichsportabzeichen in Bronze on November 29th, 1.941, both by Reichssportamt Berlin. He took part to qualify for the first on April 26th (weight thrown), July 5th (100 m race), July 19th (3000 m race and long jump) and August 4th (300 m swim). for the second in August 15th (10.000 m race), on September 15th (400 m race and 300 m swim), on September 19th (long jump) and on September 30th (Weight thrown)
His new Soldbuch was open on April 15th, 1.942 by Pi.Ers.Btl 6 with number 2085 and dogtag 6085.
Around mid June 42 he went to his combat unit, where he will be till the end during their name changes and vicissitudes on war, 2./Pionierlehrbataillon 1.
He received a Kar 98k s/n 4552 and a bayonet s/n 1496 on June 15th, 1.942.
He received another Kar 98k s/n 4995 on July 7th, 1.942
Looks like he was in close contact with Romanian troops as he received on October 25th, 1.942 his first medal (later confirmed with a formal citation on June 15th, 1.943) the Barbatie Si Credinta 3rd class with swords. I think he was deployed in the Caucasus.
He was credited on those days his first CC day on September 29th in a place called Asphaltowaja (still to locate)
He was promoted to Oberpionier on December 1st, 1.942 by 2./Pi.L.Btl. 1 confirmed on 21st
For sure he took part attached to the 23 Panzer Division in Unternehmen Wintergewitter trying to break the encirclement of the 6 Armee in Stalingrad and the subsequents combats in December 42 till February 43. He was severely mauled and, according to a witness report, on January 27th the unit commanded by Hauptmann Low was only composed by 3 Officers, 3 NCO and 4 EM.
During those combats he was credited with, at least, 3 CC days:
- Schestakoff on December 25th, 1.942
- Manytsch on January 18th, 1.943
- Pferde Kolchose Krassny Partisan on January 17th, 1.943
- Pischwanoff on January 25th and 28th, 1.943
He recibe a payment from L50340 (Stabs Luftwaffen Field Division 15) on January 23rd as Wehrsold from 21st till 31st in an amount of 12,50 R.M. this unit was around Taganrog at this time.
Received a Kar 98k s/n 5018 on March 1st, 1.943
Promoted to Gefreiter on April 1st, 1.943 by 2./Pi.L.Btl. 1 confirmed on the 4th
He received his first leave on May 20th, 1.943 as Erholungsurlaub to Castrop from May 21st till June 18th.
He received his second medal for this battles:
- Sturmabzeichen on April 8th, 1.943, citation dated the same day and stamped with Fp 34425 (Stab./Pinierlehrbataillon 1), signed by a Hauptmann und Kommandeur Pionierlehrbataillon 1 (help to name it, please)
After some rest his unit was attached to XXXXVII Panzerkorps, 255 I.D. and took part in Unternehmen Citadel, there was his best time, for his participation on the Kursk Battle he received the next awards:
- Iron Cross 2nd class on August 9th, 1.943, citation dated November 12th, 1.943 stamped by 255 I.D. and signed by Generalleutnant Walter Poppe, DKiG on may 30th, 1.942 as Generlamajor und Kommandeur 255 I.D.
- Nahkampspange in bronze on August 25th, 1.943, citation stamped by Pi.Lehr.Btl. 1 and signed by a Hauptmann und Kommandeur Pionierlehrbataillon 1 (any help to id him is welcomed)
- Wound Badge in black on August 28th, 1.943 for a wound received on August 6th, stamped and signed as the Nahkampfspange one.
To receive the Nahkampfspange he was credited with several CC days during Citadel and the posterior combats:
- Ssuch Ssolorino on July 16th and 17th, 1.943 (place not located)
- Dragunskoye on July 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th, 1.943 (take a look at the attached picture)
- Tomarowka on August 4th and 5th, 1.943 (on the same picture as above)
- Beresowka (actual Borisowka) on August 6th and 7th, 1.943 (on the same picture as above)
- Luganino on July 8th and 9th, 1.943 (looks like back dated as they were the 17th and 18th confirmed days) (Place still to locate)
Received a Kar 98k on August 17th, 1.943 s/n 4075
Received a bayonet on September 15th, 1.943 s/n 7824
He received his second leave, on December 29th, 1.943 as Erholungsurlaub to Castrop from January 1st till January 24th, 1.944. He received a Führergeschenk on December 29th, 1.943 stamped with Fp 30690 and confirmed by another stamp dated December 31st as Fronturlauberpaket Führergeschenk erhelten Dezember.
Received a bayonet on June 30th, 1.944 s/n 4795
Now I lost a little the whereabouts of this unit till the summer of 44 when he fought close to the 1 Panzer Division (yes, my beloved 1 Panzer Division) in Poland and he was credited with several CC days, he was fighting with or close to Kampfgruppe Warshnauer:
- Sanoczek on August 3rd and 6th, 1.944 (see picture), on 6th he was wounded, but stay with his unit as no entry of a visit to any hospital and again combating on 8th.
- Nowosielce on August 8th, 1.944 (same picture as above)
- Pielnia on August 9th, 10th and 11th, 1.944 (also same as above)
Received a Kar 98k on September 5th, 1.944 s/n 8451
Promoted to Obergefreiter on October 1st, 1.944 by 2./Pi.L.Btl. 1 confirmed the same day
After those combats the unit was assigned on October 44 to Heeres Pioneer Brigade 42 and was renamed as II./H.Pi.Brig. 42 so the 2./Pi.L.Btl. 1 was now the 5./H.Pi.Brig. 42.
Received an MP 40 on November 25th, 1.944 s/n 7997
On December 44 the II./Heeres Pinier Brigade 42 was subordinated to the Speer Brigade 1 fighting north of Warschau with XXXXVI Panzerkorps, 9 Armee till January 16th, 1.945
On January 17th, 1.945 with XXVII Armeekorps, attached to 227 I.D.
On February 1.945 with VII Panzerkorps
On March 1.943 Speer Brigade 1 was disbanded and II./Heeres Pioneer Brigade 42 was still attached to VII Panzerkorps
They fought in Gotenhafen (actual Gdynia, Poland) with 7 P.D., 4 SS Polizei Division and the Kampfgruppen from 32, 251 and 215 I.D.s.
He was wounded end of February 1.945 as he was transfer via hospital train on 28th, during the trip he received a payment what allows us to id the train as Lazarettzug 675 which Oberzahlmeister paid 36 R.M. as Wehrsold from the period March 1st till 31st, 1.945.
Arriving to Reservelazarett IIIb in Feldkirch (Austria) on March 7th, 1.945 with wounds by shrapnel and was discharger to troops on April 24th, but was admitted again on the same hospital on May 3rd and being discharged on August 1st, 1.945
The unit surrender in Hela (actual Hel, Poland) and, sometime after the disbanded of the Speer Brigade 1 the unit recover his previous name.
He was discharged from a British POW Camp on June 28th, 1.946 stating that he can work on as Train Supervisor and that he has some problems with his left hand that could limit his ability to use it and so to work properly. He was given 40 R.M.
The war was not over for him, years later he was ask to remember some bad memories, in June 53 he sent a letter to the police in order to testify that one of his former comrades with 2./Pionierlehrbataillon 1 (he also add his actual Feldpost number the 30690) Gefreiter Theodor Palicki died on July or August 43 in an hospital in Kiew, all in behalf of the mother of Theo, Mrs Hedwig Palicki (second time I found this name in my lasts researches and I always think it was a cute name for an Owl, Harry Potter fans knows what I am talking about). Theo is registered on the Volksbund database as died on July 13th, 1.943 in Lazarett 1/IV Kiew.
All medal entries, leaves and CC days are stamped with the Fp 30690 (2./Pionierlehrbataillon 1)
Thanks an feel free to ask or comment.
Now a tricky one to research, those independent units are difficult to track and so my research has some holes I hope someone can help me to fill. Also when sold originally there are with the group a photo album with 65 photos, but this was split before being offered to me and now is missing from the group, maybe someone knows his whereabouts.
Our guy was born in September 12th, 1.923 in Habinghorst (Castrop-Rauxel), he was catholic and I need some help todecypher his occupation (at the end of war he was described in his release paper as Zugabfertiger, Train supervisor)
He was an sport lover and he went to earn the Reichsjugendsportabzeichen on October 7th, 1.941 and the Reichsportabzeichen in Bronze on November 29th, 1.941, both by Reichssportamt Berlin. He took part to qualify for the first on April 26th (weight thrown), July 5th (100 m race), July 19th (3000 m race and long jump) and August 4th (300 m swim). for the second in August 15th (10.000 m race), on September 15th (400 m race and 300 m swim), on September 19th (long jump) and on September 30th (Weight thrown)
His new Soldbuch was open on April 15th, 1.942 by Pi.Ers.Btl 6 with number 2085 and dogtag 6085.
Around mid June 42 he went to his combat unit, where he will be till the end during their name changes and vicissitudes on war, 2./Pionierlehrbataillon 1.
He received a Kar 98k s/n 4552 and a bayonet s/n 1496 on June 15th, 1.942.
He received another Kar 98k s/n 4995 on July 7th, 1.942
Looks like he was in close contact with Romanian troops as he received on October 25th, 1.942 his first medal (later confirmed with a formal citation on June 15th, 1.943) the Barbatie Si Credinta 3rd class with swords. I think he was deployed in the Caucasus.
He was credited on those days his first CC day on September 29th in a place called Asphaltowaja (still to locate)
He was promoted to Oberpionier on December 1st, 1.942 by 2./Pi.L.Btl. 1 confirmed on 21st
For sure he took part attached to the 23 Panzer Division in Unternehmen Wintergewitter trying to break the encirclement of the 6 Armee in Stalingrad and the subsequents combats in December 42 till February 43. He was severely mauled and, according to a witness report, on January 27th the unit commanded by Hauptmann Low was only composed by 3 Officers, 3 NCO and 4 EM.
During those combats he was credited with, at least, 3 CC days:
- Schestakoff on December 25th, 1.942
- Manytsch on January 18th, 1.943
- Pferde Kolchose Krassny Partisan on January 17th, 1.943
- Pischwanoff on January 25th and 28th, 1.943
He recibe a payment from L50340 (Stabs Luftwaffen Field Division 15) on January 23rd as Wehrsold from 21st till 31st in an amount of 12,50 R.M. this unit was around Taganrog at this time.
Received a Kar 98k s/n 5018 on March 1st, 1.943
Promoted to Gefreiter on April 1st, 1.943 by 2./Pi.L.Btl. 1 confirmed on the 4th
He received his first leave on May 20th, 1.943 as Erholungsurlaub to Castrop from May 21st till June 18th.
He received his second medal for this battles:
- Sturmabzeichen on April 8th, 1.943, citation dated the same day and stamped with Fp 34425 (Stab./Pinierlehrbataillon 1), signed by a Hauptmann und Kommandeur Pionierlehrbataillon 1 (help to name it, please)
After some rest his unit was attached to XXXXVII Panzerkorps, 255 I.D. and took part in Unternehmen Citadel, there was his best time, for his participation on the Kursk Battle he received the next awards:
- Iron Cross 2nd class on August 9th, 1.943, citation dated November 12th, 1.943 stamped by 255 I.D. and signed by Generalleutnant Walter Poppe, DKiG on may 30th, 1.942 as Generlamajor und Kommandeur 255 I.D.
- Nahkampspange in bronze on August 25th, 1.943, citation stamped by Pi.Lehr.Btl. 1 and signed by a Hauptmann und Kommandeur Pionierlehrbataillon 1 (any help to id him is welcomed)
- Wound Badge in black on August 28th, 1.943 for a wound received on August 6th, stamped and signed as the Nahkampfspange one.
To receive the Nahkampfspange he was credited with several CC days during Citadel and the posterior combats:
- Ssuch Ssolorino on July 16th and 17th, 1.943 (place not located)
- Dragunskoye on July 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th, 1.943 (take a look at the attached picture)
- Tomarowka on August 4th and 5th, 1.943 (on the same picture as above)
- Beresowka (actual Borisowka) on August 6th and 7th, 1.943 (on the same picture as above)
- Luganino on July 8th and 9th, 1.943 (looks like back dated as they were the 17th and 18th confirmed days) (Place still to locate)
Received a Kar 98k on August 17th, 1.943 s/n 4075
Received a bayonet on September 15th, 1.943 s/n 7824
He received his second leave, on December 29th, 1.943 as Erholungsurlaub to Castrop from January 1st till January 24th, 1.944. He received a Führergeschenk on December 29th, 1.943 stamped with Fp 30690 and confirmed by another stamp dated December 31st as Fronturlauberpaket Führergeschenk erhelten Dezember.
Received a bayonet on June 30th, 1.944 s/n 4795
Now I lost a little the whereabouts of this unit till the summer of 44 when he fought close to the 1 Panzer Division (yes, my beloved 1 Panzer Division) in Poland and he was credited with several CC days, he was fighting with or close to Kampfgruppe Warshnauer:
- Sanoczek on August 3rd and 6th, 1.944 (see picture), on 6th he was wounded, but stay with his unit as no entry of a visit to any hospital and again combating on 8th.
- Nowosielce on August 8th, 1.944 (same picture as above)
- Pielnia on August 9th, 10th and 11th, 1.944 (also same as above)
Received a Kar 98k on September 5th, 1.944 s/n 8451
Promoted to Obergefreiter on October 1st, 1.944 by 2./Pi.L.Btl. 1 confirmed the same day
After those combats the unit was assigned on October 44 to Heeres Pioneer Brigade 42 and was renamed as II./H.Pi.Brig. 42 so the 2./Pi.L.Btl. 1 was now the 5./H.Pi.Brig. 42.
Received an MP 40 on November 25th, 1.944 s/n 7997
On December 44 the II./Heeres Pinier Brigade 42 was subordinated to the Speer Brigade 1 fighting north of Warschau with XXXXVI Panzerkorps, 9 Armee till January 16th, 1.945
On January 17th, 1.945 with XXVII Armeekorps, attached to 227 I.D.
On February 1.945 with VII Panzerkorps
On March 1.943 Speer Brigade 1 was disbanded and II./Heeres Pioneer Brigade 42 was still attached to VII Panzerkorps
They fought in Gotenhafen (actual Gdynia, Poland) with 7 P.D., 4 SS Polizei Division and the Kampfgruppen from 32, 251 and 215 I.D.s.
He was wounded end of February 1.945 as he was transfer via hospital train on 28th, during the trip he received a payment what allows us to id the train as Lazarettzug 675 which Oberzahlmeister paid 36 R.M. as Wehrsold from the period March 1st till 31st, 1.945.
Arriving to Reservelazarett IIIb in Feldkirch (Austria) on March 7th, 1.945 with wounds by shrapnel and was discharger to troops on April 24th, but was admitted again on the same hospital on May 3rd and being discharged on August 1st, 1.945
The unit surrender in Hela (actual Hel, Poland) and, sometime after the disbanded of the Speer Brigade 1 the unit recover his previous name.
He was discharged from a British POW Camp on June 28th, 1.946 stating that he can work on as Train Supervisor and that he has some problems with his left hand that could limit his ability to use it and so to work properly. He was given 40 R.M.
The war was not over for him, years later he was ask to remember some bad memories, in June 53 he sent a letter to the police in order to testify that one of his former comrades with 2./Pionierlehrbataillon 1 (he also add his actual Feldpost number the 30690) Gefreiter Theodor Palicki died on July or August 43 in an hospital in Kiew, all in behalf of the mother of Theo, Mrs Hedwig Palicki (second time I found this name in my lasts researches and I always think it was a cute name for an Owl, Harry Potter fans knows what I am talking about). Theo is registered on the Volksbund database as died on July 13th, 1.943 in Lazarett 1/IV Kiew.
All medal entries, leaves and CC days are stamped with the Fp 30690 (2./Pionierlehrbataillon 1)