Today I received bunch of EK2's. One of them was painted/lacquered in a "shiny way" similarly as some 1914 EK2's. ( I will post picture later when I get a chance to avoid the "cold eye" of my family....) In the ring there's clear "3" there and probably "1" in front of it but cant be sure if it's 13. I havent seen these painted/lacquered 2nd class -39 crosses before and pictures of Brehmer crosses I have seen so far are not so clear I could say it's that. So... At this point, does it sound like Brehmer? Picture will come within 1-2 days anyway - I am just very eager to get even any opinions about it on becorehand ..
Today I received bunch of EK2's. One of them was painted/lacquered in a "shiny way" similarly as some 1914 EK2's. ( I will post picture later when I get a chance to avoid the "cold eye" of my family....) In the ring there's clear "3" there and probably "1" in front of it but cant be sure if it's 13. I havent seen these painted/lacquered 2nd class -39 crosses before and pictures of Brehmer crosses I have seen so far are not so clear I could say it's that. So... At this point, does it sound like Brehmer? Picture will come within 1-2 days anyway - I am just very eager to get even any opinions about it on becorehand ..