from this far it's body looks too grainy/noisy ( talking about the dots ) like
the Spanish kvk ( which it's not ), maybe a closer image would be better for
opinions. . . ( probably it's just the image )
hi thanks for posting it the cross is stamped on the ring with 80 and the corresponding maker is stamped on the back of the packet, so what do the rest of you guys think of it.
I'm proud to be a sergeant in the royal dutch army
Always looking for documents from the 126. Infanterie-Division.
Dutchcollector, tell the seller to take a close up image ( detailed ), the image
you sent me to post is just using the same small image and make it larger,
still the details are bad like before.
I agree this is a beautiful condition kvk with packet and document which is
great, but you can't see if it's fake or not by looking at these images.
Edit : if some of the document experts can see if this document is ok then
it's a good sign.
For the most part it looks good I would be happier withh better close ups. I don't know what to say about the stippling, and I am not an envvelope expert.