These aren’t the best pictures, but I hope they are enough to spark some discussion. Below are two pictures which show my “65” marked EK 2s. In the first picture, which shows 4 of them, I hope you can see that the 3 to the right appear to have exactly the same characteristics, while the one on the far right has a different center (though appears to have the same frame). This can be better appreciated on the bottom picture, which shows a closer look at one of the 3 “standard” and the mismatched one (although one EK is skewed to one side). They all look original to me. Just as a side note, the ones that match have centers that rattle ever so slightly.
I know we have talked about subcontracting before, could this be a case of subcontract, or die change? Or we will never know?
I know we have talked about subcontracting before, could this be a case of subcontract, or die change? Or we will never know?