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Knight Crosses today

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    RK awarded to SS-Hauptsturmführer Karl-Heinz Euling
    Kommandeur IV./SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment.21 / 10. SS-Panzer-Division "Frundsberg" / II.SS-Panzerkorps
    Awarded on: October 15th, 1944

    (Photo credits to Peter Mooney)
    Attached Files


      A photo of Karl-Heinz Euling!

      He died in 2014
      Attached Files


        RK awarded to SS-Sturmbannführer Eberhard Heder
        Führer SS-Panzer Pionier Battailon 5 / 5. SS-Panzer Division "Wiking"
        Awarded on: November 18th, 1944

        (Photo credits to Peter Mooney)
        Attached Files


          RK preliminary award document to Unteroffizier Herbert Lindner
          6. / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 60
          Presented on: July 28th, 1943

          (Photo credits to Kai-Winkler)
          Attached Files


            Oak Leaves formal award document to SS-Gruppenführer Alfred Wünnenberg
            Kommandeur, SS-Polizei-Division, Waffen-SS
            Presented on: April 23rd, 1942

            (Photo credits to "Bravery Courage and Valour - Volume 1: Decorations and Awards of the Third Reich", by Adrian Forman)
            Attached Files


              Originally posted by Sepp45 View Post
              Oak Leaves preliminary award document to Generalmajor Heinrich Baron von Behr
              Kommandeur Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 200 / In personalunion Führer 90.Panzer-Grenadier-Division / LXXVI.Panzer-Korps / 10.Armee / Heeresgruppe C
              Presented on: January 9th, 1945

              (Photo credits to "Bravery Courage and Valour - Volume 1: Decorations and Awards of the Third Reich", by Adrian Forman)
              Attached Files


                Originally posted by Sepp45 View Post
                Oak Leaves formal award document to Leutnant Gerhard Hein
                Führer 5. / Infanterie-Regiment 209 / 58.Infanterie-Division / XXXVIII.Armee-Korps / 18.Armee / Heeresgruppe Nord
                Presented on: September 6th, 1942
                Cased oaks awarded to Hein!

                (Photo credits to "Bravery Courage and Valour - Volume 1: Decorations and Awards of the Third Reich", by Adrian Forman)
                Attached Files


                  Originally posted by Sepp45 View Post
                  Swords awarded to Kapitän zur See Wolfgang Luth
                  Kommandant U 181
                  Awarded on: April 15th, 1943

                  (Photo credits to "Bravery Courage and Valour - Volume 1: Decorations and Awards of the Third Reich", by Adrian Forman)
                  Attached Files


                    RK awarded to Hauptmann Willi Wechsung
                    1./Grenadier-Regiment 426
                    Awarded on: October 1st, 1943

                    (Photos sent by a good friend! )
                    Attached Files


                      Two more little photos of the grouping.
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                        RK preliminary award document to Major Edmund Spiegel
                        Kommandeur I./GrenRgt 544
                        Presented on: August 8th, 1944
                        Attached Files


                          Originally posted by Sepp45 View Post
                          RK awarded to Major Heinrich Keese
                          Chef 2. / Pionier-Bataillon 20 (motorisiert) / 20.Panzer-Grenadier-Division / XXXXVI.Panzer-Korps / 4.Panzer-Armee / Heeresgruppe A
                          Awarded on: October 20th, 1944
                          His preliminary award document

                          (Photo credits to Olaf Beil)
                          Attached Files


                            RK preliminary award document to Hauptmann Heinz Rökker
                            Staffelkapitän 2. / Nachtjagdgeschwader 2
                            Presented on: July 27th, 1944

                            (Photo credits to Olaf Beil)
                            Attached Files


                              Originally posted by Sepp45 View Post
                              RK preliminary award document to Gefreiter Max Zastrow
                              MG-Schütze 2./PiBtl 81
                              Presented on: March 6th, 1944

                              (Thanks to my friend Daniel for the photo)
                              Attached Files


                                A early postwar photo of Zastrow with his awards, including the document and Knight's Cross.

                                (Once again, thanks to Daniel for the photo)
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