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    Originally posted by Dietrich Maerz View Post
    Please be not rude.

    ... and it is a fake and I hope the buyer has a change to give it back.

    Excuse me... you are a moderator and you think I'm the one who is rude? Did you read "snoopy's" post? Do you not see the 'tone' of his post sir?


    Case closed. MOVE ON.


      Originally posted by Hessian View Post
      But I do take umbrage with you stating 'it's misleading' to disagree.
      Hi Duke,

      I'm sorry you took umbrage to my post, but there is nothing to "agree" or "disagree" on. The cross you sold is a fake, and there is no opinion involved.

      I'm sure you agree that one of the many functions of this forum is to ensure that the items sold on the eStand are not fakes. This protects all of us. I find you have acted badly (to put it nicely) by sending this cross to the buyer at 2:30pm when you knew its originality was being debated here on the forum. Your first post in this thread, after all, was almost two hours before you hurriedly dumped it in the mail, and as you said yourself, you are not an "expurt."

      Have you PM'ed the buyer to alert him to this thread?
      Last edited by streptile; 08-05-2010, 09:49 PM.
      Best regards,

      Looking for ROUND BUTTON 1939 EK1 Spange cases (LDO or PKZ)



        Not real sure who you think you are... but you obviously have me all wrong. My credentials as a seller and a person are pretty solid. I inivte you to check them. I stand behind what I sell. The seller IS aware of the controversy. And at this point Im only too happy to buy it back just to end this entire ordeal....

        I mean, seriously? What do I need to do next... post the buyers email address so you can check yourself????? Are you kidding me?

        Let me address your ridiculous assertion that I "hurried to put it in the mail" while this so-called debate was going on... you are dead wrong. And 1530 would actually be 330pm, not that it matters- but it's not the first time you've been wrong today. For example, you will see that I thought the "debate" closed at 1058 am (158 pm EST) when I replied to Nick that the cross did NOT conform to the pinned article examples for a floch. I didnt get a reply debating my assertion until snoopy chimed in at 917pm EST tonight. Thats SEVEN HOURS... seven hours is quite a bit of time to "hurry " to the post office wouldn't you say. Moving on...

        Of course I do agree that some oversight needs to exist to protect people from crooks...but Im not one of them. You should choose your words a bit more carefully my friend. Again, refer to the numerous times Ive written that full refund etc... And Ive sold LOTS in the past few months here on the estand with zero problems. I recently paid a full refund INCLUDING postage because a LW flight helmet had loose stitching and the buyer wasnt happy. Where were you when a member sold me delicate papers stuffed into an envelope that was destroyed by the PO and would only provide a 1/2 refund of the total price??? Despite the fact that his negligence was to blame? BTW, Im selling about 5k worth of guns on estand at the moment... Im not going to 'pull a fast one' for a 375.oo medal. Give me a break.

        I know you mean well, --but you're assuming that I dont.

        Lastly, as far as my tounge in cheek comment about being an 'expurt' its because even though I've been collecting for over 20 years, I know that there are still many lessons to learn. The problem with people like you is that you think you already have all the anwsers... the issue is you havent heard all the questions yet.

        Not that I owe you anything but Yes, Ive 'alerted' the buyer and offered to buy it back... I have not heard back from him as of 1103pm EST. When I do, I will be sure to let you know so you can sleep peacefully tonight knowing the sanctity of the eStand's honor is safe. I will even POST HIS REPLY if will clear any of this up. As far as him being 'aware' of this thread... I know some will find this hard to believe but, gasp, some people dont suscribe to WAF and worse yet, some sellers (like yours truly) advertise on mutiple sites... THE HORROR....

        Now, if you really want to talk about it further, I'll be only too happy to PM my phone number to you. Otherwise, save your attempted online character assassination for someone else.

        Have a good night.



          Originally posted by Hessian View Post
          I mean, seriously? What do I need to do next... post the buyers email address so you can check yourself????? Are you kidding me?
          I'm sure some of wouldn't mind you doing that ....


            Oh my.... I don't like the sound of this..

            Mr. Hessian. Why are you jumping into defence all the time. We think it is pretty strange that something is being sold while it is being in debate.

            Maybe the buyer is not an EK1 expert and we are not implying that you will not refund when necessary. We only have our experiances with former member.

            Like mentioned before by Trevor, he was trying to explain to you that this is a community and we try to protect each other a little bit. It saved me several Euro's. And you reaction is a big defence starting with who do you think you are...

            I think you have a serious attitude problem. We are not attacking you. We are being critics based on our experiances.

            So I will say it again. I am not trying to attack you, I am just trying to explain and give my own opinion on the matter.



              Perhaps you are right Bob. Maybe I have been a little strong in my replies but I dont think its an attitude. I mean, saying an item is fake is one thing.. and I dont take any offense to someone questioning an item. What I do take offense to (and Im sure you would too) is saying Im dishonest. That transitions into a personal attack. What else can I be but defensive when Im being slandered? Esp before people have the facts?

              Perhaps Ive jumped the gun, if so, I do appologize. Its just crazy that such a big deal is being made of this. To me it seems so silly... there is no crime, or victim. The fact that it was being debated was disclosed to the buyer. He was comfortable with the photos I provided him. How is that being dishonest?

              Ironically, that is one of the reasons I started to use the eStand--because I personally like the idea that you should be able to get your money back if you buy something and then decide its not right. Hey, we've all been burned with ebay and the like. And I probably buy as much as I sell on estand. Ive even bought things from people Ive sold to!

              For example, just tonight, a member who has bought badges from me before on estand asked for better pics of another badge for sale... Im sending him the actual badge to examine BEFORE he pays... Is that the act of a crook?

              I just think some appologies are in order. Where Im from you just dont make those kind of leaps based on incomplete information. I feel I've proved my case.

              The final word is this. The (repeat) buyer is a very knowledgable collector who owns many EKs and even an RK mit EL. Hes not some 13 year old kid who saved up his paper route money and is getting hoodwinked by the bad estand seller. As soon as I secure his permission I will post his email reply. Then hopefully some of you will be big enough to admit you were wrong (about my intentions-not the cross).

              Thank you Bob for taking the time to put some constructive comments in this thread.



                I have said it before on the forum and I will say it again.

                Reading comments makes it much more difficult to really understand what somebody is trying to say. It is easier to look each other in the eyes.

                I think snoopy's remark wasn't that bad at all. I think he just used telegram language to tell what he wanted to say , or maybe I am wrong know, I don't know.

                I think he said it like that cause you still thought it wasn't a Floch.

                And about the dishonoust part. You're right, I would be offended as well.

                Well anyway I think all is said and done now. Let's close this one up.


                Originally posted by Hessian View Post
                Perhaps you are right Bob. Maybe I have been a little strong in my replies but I dont think its an attitude. I mean, saying an item is fake is one thing.. and I dont take any offense to someone questioning an item. What I do take offense to (and Im sure you would too) is saying Im dishonest. That transitions into a personal attack. What else can I be but defensive when Im being slandered? Esp before people have the facts?

                Perhaps Ive jumped the gun, if so, I do appologize. Its just crazy that such a big deal is being made of this. To me it seems so silly... there is no crime, or victim. The fact that it was being debated was disclosed to the buyer. He was comfortable with the photos I provided him. How is that being dishonest?

                Ironically, that is one of the reasons I started to use the eStand--because I personally like the idea that you should be able to get your money back if you buy something and then decide its not right. Hey, we've all been burned with ebay and the like. And I probably buy as much as I sell on estand. Ive even bought things from people Ive sold to!

                For example, just tonight, a member who has bought badges from me before on estand asked for better pics of another badge for sale... Im sending him the actual badge to examine BEFORE he pays... Is that the act of a crook?

                I just think some appologies are in order. Where Im from you just dont make those kind of leaps based on incomplete information. I feel I've proved my case.

                The final word is this. The (repeat) buyer is a very knowledgable collector who owns many EKs and even an RK mit EL. Hes not some 13 year old kid who saved up his paper route money and is getting hoodwinked by the bad estand seller. As soon as I secure his permission I will post his email reply. Then hopefully some of you will be big enough to admit you were wrong (about my intentions-not the cross).

                Thank you Bob for taking the time to put some constructive comments in this thread.




                  Hey, all I did was try to help out by getting better pics posted so we
                  could really tell if it was a Floch. I don't come on the forum to argue.
                  To be honest I really don't care if it's a Floch or not because
                  I'm not the one who bought it. Just trying to help.
                  Now if you would please excuse me while I go enjoy other
                  parts of this forum, this thread is really bringing me down.


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