According to whom? I am skeptical of an arbitrary sequencing of frames and cores without some kind of evidence. To me, everything about this cross says "early." Unmarked, good quality, swollen pin, crisp frame and core strikes. If you have some evidence that this frame postdated another frame, I'm curious to see it. I am always happy to learn something new.
Best regards,
Looking for ROUND BUTTON 1939 EK1 Spange cases (LDO or PKZ)
That's a fair question. I find this frame feature on my '4'-marked S&L EKI. It has the stamped-out catch and coke-bottle style pin, as opposed to the earlier (1st pattern S&L) round wire catch and thinner W&L-looking pin. Here is a close up of the 1st pattern S&L beading which lacks this feature mentioned...