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Unlikely EK story

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    Unlikely EK story

    Found this one on the net, from a seller who advertised his reproduction award of an original.

    I will translate the essentials: the EK 2, with a Polish coin attached to it, was used as a medal to the resistance fighters in the Warshau rising.

    It seems very unlickely. Does anybody know about these?

    Das Kreuz des Warschauer Aufstands / Krzy Powstania Warszawskiego war eine inoffizielle Auszeichnung, die 1944 von polnischen Soldaten während der deutsch-polnischen Kämpfe um die Stadt Warschau Warschauer Aufstand benutzt wurde. Es wurde aus erbeuteten Eisernen Kreuzen hergestellt, denen man 1-Zloty-Münzen aus der Vorkriegszeit anpinnte, die so das Hakenkreuz verdeckten; die Münzen wurden mit der Kotwica und der Jahreszahl 1944 beschriftet. Es wurde verliehen für die Tötung eines SS-Offiziers sowie für andere Taten der Tapferkeit.

    Die Kotwica (dt. Anker) war das Symbol der polnischen Widerstandsbewegung während der deutschen Besatzung Polens im Zweiten Weltkrieg, insbesondere der Polnischen Heimatarmee (Armia Krajowa). Die Kotwica stellt die Buchstaben P und W dar und steht als Abkürzung für Polska Walcząca /Kämpfendes Polen .

    Sie wurde 1942 von einer Sabotageeinheit im Warschauer Stadtteil Wawer entworfen. Am 20. März des Jahres war es erstmals in der Öffentlichkeit zu sehen.(QUELLE:WIKI)

    Someone did ad this on WIKI!
    That doenst make it true however.


      is the first time i´ve read about this....


        Basically a load of bullocks.

        Has been discussed many times before on the form.

        Just a piece to sell to tourists and he uninformed.

        First appeared on the market in the early 90s and these ugly buggers crop up every once and a while.

        Normally it is a fake IC and a real coin but sometimes the fakers use a real IC and coin and just ruin both


          nice story, but real??
          i cant belive!!!!!!!


            I can't imagine any Polish resistance fighter being over the moon about receIving an award based upon a German EK.


              I'll bet a hundred dollars the seller of this item put up the WIKI entry... Notice the illustration on the WIKI entry is similar (if not the same) as the ebay ads

              I bought one of these after the seller told me it was a real coin; well, that turned out to be complete bs because the coin and the cross are all a one piece cast.

              I lost 20 dollars on my purchase.

              Oh well, if one can't absorb the occasional loss one shouldn't be collecting something thats faked...


                I hate disagree with anyone but, the polish Home Army during the Warsaw uprising used just about anything they could get their hands on. They also had an extreme dislike of the Germans. It would not surprise me that they would have used a captured or liberated IC add a Polish minted coin then reissue it as a polish award. I am not saying that this one is real, I am just saying that it is something a Pole would have done.


                  made from capture iron crosses ?

                  the one off the picture is not a captured ek anyway.

                  what a bullocks story .

                  don't spend time on discussing it

                  wikipedia is no reliable historic source

                  just making uninformed believe that it is .

                  in the land of the blind
                  the one aye is king


                    Only to point out a possibility:

                    Adding a coin to an award could mean:

                    "I as apolish (symbolized by the coin) beat a german (sympolized by the cross).


                      I am not talking about any specific item´s authenticity, of course.


                        The german text dosn't match to the picture of the awards @ wiki !!!

                        Because the german text told, that they us the 1-Zloty-coin to cover the swaz!

                        So IMO the text or the awards is wrong ;-)


                          Hi guys,

                          Just because one hasn't seen one before or that it looks unlikely is not a valid reason to totally discount this award as being bogus. The pic shown in wiki is a copie or representation of what the very rare original examples look like. I agree with Stefan that the coin covers the swastika or in some instances where a 1914 EKII was used, the W.

                          This type of a makedo, wartime contingency, Polish award was well written up in an older collector's magazine article. I will try to find my copy of the article and make some copies for anyone interested.

                          All the best,

                          An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.

                          "First ponder, then dare." von Moltke


                            Check this out! Fantazy EK2
                            the coin is not covers the swastika so, no way is a Polish medal

                            Last edited by nsdap79; 04-29-2009, 11:19 AM.


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