As Darrell says, S&L produced after the war RKs and DKs with and without swastika, EKs and so on. I doubt that the ink was even dry on the surrender document before S&L geared up to meet the needs of the occuping troops. Then they began supplying the collectors market. I'm sure that originally they would have used pieces assembled during the war period, and possibly components that were left over. Later they just started re-making them all again. Somewhere on the forum I recollect reading in thread that someone had contacted S&L in the late 1970s, very early 80s to purchase an RK, assuming that they would sell him a 57 re-issue piece. S&L asked did he want one with a swastika or one without !!
Specifically these DKs by S&L are very problematic. That they were made by S&L is beyond doubt - among other factors the major indicator is the rear set up. These do feature in well regarded reference books, but I have never seen an attributed S&L DK and there is some debate as to whether S&L actually made DKs during the 1939 - 45 period. Some say yes others no. Also, their very early 57 versions of the DK use the same rear set up as the one shown here - although as with the really early 57 EKs, RKs etc it could be argued they just using up left over war time parts.
My own opinion is that there is to much controvesy about these S&L DKs for me to have one in my collection, the only exception being a really early 57 re-issue piece from them. Some of the swastika versions are extremely well constructed and good looking items, but unless it was going cheap I think I would pass on the swatika DK from S&L.