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RK -- Q&K actually worn example

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    RK -- Q&K actually worn example

    A Klein & Quenzer WW2 veteran. I like the K & Q best because they are virtually seamless, the Swaz touches the frame perfectly at all four corners, the loop is always nicely finished, and the ring matches it in diameter. Friend got this from a veteran in the early 80s.


    <img src=http://www.collectrussia.com/sboot/RK.jpg>
    <img src=http://www.collectrussia.com/sboot/RKloop.jpg>

    Hello Dave,
    Super nice RK.
    I love the field worn examples....the wear on the beading speaks to you!
    Very nice piece I'd be proud to own!



      Yes... what a cracker !
      Well done... keep it safe.
      Thanks for posting the picture


      (looking for early K & Q RK)


        Klein &amp; Quenzer RK details

        I noticed a lot of original RK makers left the ends of the ribbon loop somewhat rough, and the loop itself was not particularly well-formed with straight sides. Klein & Quenzer took care to do this part right. I think they made the ring a fat 'doughnut' in order that it would match the diameter of the wire they used to make the loop. And also so the ribbon loop will always hang vertically-- it can't pass through the ring's eye.

        When I got Gordon Williamson's excellent new book on the Iron Cross I was not surprised that Klein & Quenzer had been a maker of watch fob chains. It would therefore make sense that they took a special interest in the details of the hanger!

        The Juncker Crosses are of course fabulous, but I like the Klein & Quenzer best for these details and the excellent fit of the parts.

        Mr. Williamson, if you read this, your effort on that book is much appreciated!!!




          Thanks for your comments, much appreciated. When I was working on the book, I made contact with a guy in Oberstein whose father worked for Klein & Quenzer. He got me a lot of the info and some details from the local chamber of commerce on the firm. When the firm closed down in 1985, much of the tooling was sold off and I was told that the dies for the Knight's Cross were sold to someone in the US.
          This guy's father grabbed the EK1 dies as a souvenir and still has them.
          A lot of people don't like the K&Q pieces but I have always found them to be one of the better made Knight's Crosses, always well done and with considerable care put into the finishing. I rate K&Q pieces very highly



            I saw what I thought might be a restrike of a K&Q at the Max show this year. It lacked the patina, fit and finish of a typical original, although the details and "fingerprint" of the silver frame was right. The features of the iron center weren't as crisp as mine. Naturally the dealer said it was "late war." Maybe... maybe not. I only saw that one, not a bunch and I think I looked at nearly every RK there.



              So some enterprising soul in the US has the K&Q RK dies
              Interesting, and worth keeping an eye on...


              (looking for early K & Q RK)


                Possibly. In any case, it would be very difficult to match the sharp detail and exact fit of the iron center, plus the overall finesse of an original K&Q.

                Everything's worth keeping an eye on in this field!


                  A WONDERFUL cross no doubt!! And, one day I will own a K&Q but, just to start a discussion; they are the ugliest of all the makers ( in my opinion) and I mean this WELL !!
                  Ofcourse give me a Juncker any day and a super close second a S&L ...frosting, no frosting....as long as there aren't any 'flaws'! But, K&Q just dont have the sharpness or symmetry of the other crosses! Example: on the lower arm looking straight on the r/side flange is wider....then there is 26+/- ridges on the left and 30+/- on the right. I imagine the company was rushed in the mid to latter part of the war and didn't pay as 'close' attention to detail in the die making as it did in the finishing!
                  Just thoughts...


                    Hi John

                    Yes, the frame has "a face only a mother can love." It's quirky, which gives it extra distinction, rather like the Juncker's cross hatching.

                    As far as the original dies, no worries. Where's the owner to come up with the iron core, or even the right paint? And the craftsmanship to put it all together with a newly made loop and finishing?

                    Forgetaboutit. Having Da Vinci's paint brush doesn't mean you can forge the Mona Lisa.




                      Hi Dave

                      Agree with your comments completely.
                      There is an obvious danger though when chasing these items on the internet rather than in person, and what appears visually OK on a low res image can be considered very different when received.


                      (looking for early K & Q RK)


                        Dave..." you're a funny guy "...sounds like a movie!!! I'm glad you too my observation in the spirit meant But, jees these look like a red headed stepchild!!!
                        In the end I really like your cross and thanks for the frivolity!!


                          Hi Chris...yes, and that is why this Forum is so valuable...albeit I've been chastised far too often for being outspoken! When someone like DaveK shows pictures of an ORIGINAL like this there is only one direction which is discussion! And to (his) praise, the pictures were perfect and his humor great!
                          When we get the pi** poor photos and ambiguous descriptions by people just attempting to make a $ and ofcourse their followers....I better stop or I'll end up in Limbo like Prosper.....


                            Chris, unfortunately that's true of just about everything you buy over the internet! Call me old fashioned but there's just no substitute for a face to face transaction.

                            Of course, the thrill of seeing a UPS truck pull up to the door can't be substituted either...


                              I've been chastised far too often for being outspoken!

                              John J.....keep being outspoken! You have great knowledge and your comments are always very insightful. I always look forward to hearing your thoughts (and you liven things up around here)!


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