I'm afraid this does not look good and is a well known fake, the desigantion is the pattern I call the scrawl fake.
Hi Marcus and Erick
Are you certain here Marcus? The only think I can find strange is that the designation is smaller on this packet then the "normal" wound packets and the "( )" around the word Silber. The packet belongs (photos show that) to a woundbadge from WWI, that could explain these points.
I don't think this packet belongs to the "scrawl" fakes, the lettering is pretty good. Maybe I still don't know exactly what kind of packet belong to the scrawl packets or are they getting beter?
I thought that this packet and other packets with this lettering belong to the scrawl packet family.
Thankx for your reply & glimer of hope. Does anyone have any idea when the scrawl type packets started surfacing on the collector market? For whats it worth dept. I have had this one 25 + years. It came from a good source & I have felt good about it. I know that does not make it any better one way or the other, just curious when the scrawl type begin to surface.