this being offered by a seller on with name of "albertabounder17"
His listings say he is in Calgary Alberta Canada (where I am) so I sent a note to ask where, as the listing looks very familiar (recall loveandpeace in Ontario...and other name changes)
The response answered my thoughts..."currently I am in Ontario"...(ABOUT 3000 MILES EAST OF ALBERTA) is the listing of just one bad 57er DKIG under listing number 263466076081, which already has 2 bids....all Private Listings, of course.....spurious maker marks stamped into pins, which I believe was not done with 57er's.
His listings say he is in Calgary Alberta Canada (where I am) so I sent a note to ask where, as the listing looks very familiar (recall loveandpeace in Ontario...and other name changes)
The response answered my thoughts..."currently I am in Ontario"...(ABOUT 3000 MILES EAST OF ALBERTA) is the listing of just one bad 57er DKIG under listing number 263466076081, which already has 2 bids....all Private Listings, of course.....spurious maker marks stamped into pins, which I believe was not done with 57er's.