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dk and rk holders

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    dk and rk holders

    found this ages ago and added a few i think this might be of some use to you guys
    if you know of more (probably are post them)
    German Cross in Gold :

    Wilhelm Ahlert (L)
    Friedrich Albrecht (H)
    Hermann Aldinger (L)
    Gottfried Annuß (H)
    Wilhelm Antrup (L)
    Hans Bambey (L)
    Rudolf Bamler (NVA)
    Helmut Bapistella (L)
    Günter Baranek (H)
    Gerhard Barkhorn (L)
    Bernhard Bechler (NVA)
    Hans-Joachim Becke (H)
    Jürgen Bennecke (H)
    Friedrich Jürgen Karl Berendsen (H)
    Oskar-Alfred Berger (H)
    Wolfgang von Bergh (L)
    Hans-Georg Biedermann (H)
    Carl Heinz Birnbacher (M)
    Adalbert von Blanc (M)
    Eberhard von Block (H)
    Wilhelm Bosselmann (H)
    Kurt Brandstädter (H)
    Friedrich Buchenau (H)
    Hans Buchner (H)
    Rudolf Gustav Buhse (H)
    Peter Richard von Butler (H)
    Roderich Cescotti (L)
    Karl Clausen (M)
    Kurt Deichen gen. Charly (H)
    Oskar-Hubert Dennhardt (H)
    Otto Dingeldein (M)
    Hanns-Wolrad Dölling (L)
    Oswald Duch (M)
    Ernst-Hindenburg Ebeling (L)
    Werner Ebeling (H)
    Hans Eberhard (H)
    Kurt Marino Gustav von Einem (H)
    Heinrich Erdmann (M)
    Heinz-Otto Fabian (H)
    Sigismund von Falkenstein (L)
    Hans-Heinz Fischer (H)
    Kurt Helmut Fischer (L)
    Friedrich Albert Foertsch (H)
    Alexander Frevert-Niedermein (H)
    Joachim Freyer (H)
    Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven (H)
    Herbert Fritz (H)
    Richard Frodl (L)
    Ludwig Heinrich Gaedcke (H)
    Georg Gartmayr (H)
    Kurt Gerber (H)
    Walter Gericke (H)
    Heinrich Gerlach (M)
    Heinz Geyer (H)
    Kurt Gieser (H)
    Hans-Otto Göricke (H)
    Ernst Golling (H)
    Hans Greiner (H)
    Carl-Heinz Greve (L)
    Peter von der Groeben (H)
    Erich Gröpler (L)
    Wolfgang Haack (M)
    Paul Haeffner (L)
    Ottomar Hansen (H)
    Ernst-Ulrich Hantel (H)
    Hellmuth Hauser (L)
    Lothar von Heinemann (L)
    Hanns Heise (L)
    Horst Wolfgang Heise (H)
    Leo Hepp (H)
    Paul Reinhold Herrmann (H)
    Karl Herzog (H)
    Richard Heuser (L)
    Friedrich August von der Heydte (H dR)
    Horst Hildebrandt (H)
    Hans Hinrichs (H)
    Werner-Ernst Hoffmann (L)
    Erich Hohagen (L)
    Klaus Hoheisel (H)
    Theodor Hopf (H)
    Joachim Horbach (H)
    Hans-Joachim von Horn (H)
    Dietrich-Adolf Hrabak (L)
    Josef Jaitner (L)
    Rudolf Jenett (L)
    Rolf Johannesson (M)
    Paul Jordan (H)
    Rolf Jürgens (H)
    Wolfgang Kähler (M)
    Wolf von Kahlden (H)
    Peter Karpinski (H)
    Kurt Kauffmann (H)
    Friedrich Walter Karl Kemnade (M)
    Karl Kessel (L)
    Werner-Georg Kimmerling (M)
    Horst Kinder (H)
    Ernst Klasing (H)
    Paul-Georg Kleffel (H)
    Wolfgang Klennert (H)
    Karl Christian Kleyser (H)
    Hans-Helmut Klose (M)
    Gustav-Adolf Klütner (L)
    Friedrich Körner (L)
    Heinz-Michael Koller-Kraus (H)
    Otto Korfes (NVA)
    Albert Kraus (H)
    Werner Krieger (H)
    Hans Kroh (L/H)
    Walter Krupinski (L)
    Manfred Kublitz (H)
    Konrad Kühlein (H)
    Kurt Kuhlmey (L)
    Hellmuth Laegeler (H)
    Ernst-Friedrich Langenstraß (H)
    Gerhard Langguth (L)
    Ernst August Lassen (H)
    Kurt Laube (L)
    Heinz-Georg Lemm (H)
    Arno von Lenski (NVA)
    Kurt von Liebenstein (H)
    Georg Limberg (L)
    Hans-Joachim Löser (H)
    Anton Lorch (H)
    Smilo von Lüttwitz (H)
    Helmut Mahlke (L)
    Willi Robert Mantey (H)
    Arthur Markert (H)
    Wilhelm Meentzen (M)
    Theodor Meinicke (H)
    Ernst Metz (H)
    Hans Karl Meyer (M)
    Helmut Meyer-Abich (M)
    Wilhelm Meyer-Detring (H)
    Wilhelm Meyn (L)
    Ernst-Günther Möller (L)
    Karl Theodor Molinari (H)
    Josef Moll (H)
    Christian Müller (H)
    Klaus Müller (H)
    Vincenz Müller (NVA)
    Hermann Burkhart Müller-Hillebrand (H)
    Gerhard Münch (H)
    Joachim-Ernst Oskar Munzel (H)
    Theodor von Mutius (M)
    Kurt-Gustav Nagel (L)
    Gerd Niepold (H)
    Eberhard von Nostitz (H dR)
    Albrecht Obermaier (M)
    Friedrich-Erich Obleser (L)
    Arno Olze (H)
    Kurt von der Osten (H)
    Reinhart Ostertag (M)
    Günther Pape (H)
    Ernst Paulsen (H)
    Ignaz Peslmüller (H)
    Anton-Detlev von Plato (H)
    Hermann Plocher (L)
    Franz Pöschl (H)
    Günter Proll (L)
    Heinz-Peter Ptak (L)
    Karl Punzmann (H)
    Joseph-Maria von Radowitz (H)
    Günther Rall (L)
    Ernst Rebentisch (H)
    Günter Reeder (M)
    Paul Reichelt (H)
    Josef Friedrich Remberg (L)
    Udo Ritgen (H)
    Gustav-Siegfried Rödel (L)
    Wilhelm von Röder (H)
    Hans Röttiger (H)
    Richard von Rosen (H)
    Wilhelm von Rosenthal (H)
    Horst Rudat (L)
    Jahannes Ferdinand Sapauschke (H)
    Heinrich Schäfer (H)
    Horst Scheibert (H)
    Paul Albert Scherer (H)
    Richard Schimpf (L)
    Albert Schindler (H)
    Wolf-Dietrich von Schleinitz (H)
    Friedrich-Carl Schlichting (L)
    Werner Schlüter (H)
    Gerd Schmückle (H)
    Albert Schnez (H)
    Gerd Schreiber (M)
    Rolf-Helmut Schröder (H)
    Gottfried Ludwig Horst von Schroeter (M)
    Klaus Schubert (H)
    Helmut Schüler (H)
    Hellmut Schultze (H)
    Franz-Joseph Schulze (H)
    Alfred Schumann (M)
    Hans Schumann (L)
    Horst-Bodo Schuwirth (H)
    Joachim Schwatlo-Gesterding (H)
    Heinrich Schwiethal (H)
    Josef Selmayr (H)
    Ferdinand Maria von Senger und Etterlin (H)
    Curt Siewert (H)
    Karl-Ernst Smidt (M)
    Hans Speidel (H)
    Hans Spiegel (H)
    Curt Spitzer (H)
    Gerhard Stephani (H)
    Konrad Stephanus (H)
    Werner Streib (L)
    Hans-Georg von Tempelhoff (H)
    Hans Teusen (H)
    Wilhelm Thomas (H)
    Rolf Thomsen (M)
    Hannes Trautloft (L)
    Henrich von Treuberg Fischler (H)
    Friedrich Alfred Übelhack (H)
    Hermann Unger (H)
    Ulrich Varnbüler von und zu Hemmingen (H)
    Fritz Vogelsang (H)
    Karl-Heinz Vorsteher (M)
    Wilhelm Voß (H)
    Eberhard Wagemann (H)
    Gerhard Wagner (M)
    Hubert Felix Walitschek (H)
    Eugen Walter (L)
    Helmut Walter (H)
    Hubert von Wangenheim (M)
    Artur Weber (H)
    Gottfried Ludwig Weber (H)
    Edward Wegener (M)
    Herbert Wehnelt (L)
    Ernst Wellmann (H)
    Horst Wendland (H)
    Ulrich Wernitz (L)
    Fritz von Westerman (H)
    Erwin Wicker (L)
    Henning Wilcke (L)
    Hans Wilde (L)
    Klaus Casper Wilhelm Willemer (H)
    Dietrich Willikens (H)
    Karl-Heinz Wirsing (H)
    Jürgen Wittmann (H)
    Hans-Heinrich Worgitzky (H dR)
    Hans Wulz (NVA)
    Edel-Heinrich Zachariae-Lingenthal (H)
    Armin Zimmermann (M)
    Last edited by Nigel N; 06-17-2012, 09:58 AM.

    German Cross in Silver :

    Jürgen Bennecke (H)
    Hans-Adolf von Blumröder (H dR)
    Werner Bodenstein (H)
    Werner Boie (L)
    Ulrich Dorn (H)
    August Frede (H)
    Karl Adolf Rudolf Friedrich (L)
    Gerhard Gebken (H)
    Reinhard Gehlen (H)
    Manfred Grunwald (H)
    Ludwig Hahne (H)
    Werner Georg Henning (L)
    August Hentz (L)
    Wilhelm Heß (H)
    Max Heyna (L)
    Hans Höffner (H)
    Werner Eugen Robert Hoffmann (L)
    Karl Walter Kienitz (L)
    Rolf Kluge (L)
    Karl-Egon Knauer (L)
    Paul Köhler (H)
    Gustav-Adolf Kuntzen (H)
    Hasso Neitzel (H)
    Heinrich Oberdiek (H)
    Werner Panitzki (L)
    Curt Pollex (H)
    Hellmuth Reinhardt (H)
    Werner Repenning (L)
    Vico von Rieben (H)
    Otto Schmidt (H)
    Helmut Schönefeld (H)
    Otto Selle (H)
    Wilhelm-Peter Sieber (L)
    Friedrich Stammbach (H)
    Harald von Uslar-Gleichen (H)
    Willi Wagenknecht (L)
    Rudolf Wich (H)
    Adolf Wicht (H dR)
    Dietloff von Winning (H)
    Alfred Zerbel (H)


      Eckart Afheldt (Heer)
      Friedrich Albrecht (Heer)
      Wilhelm Antrup (Luftwaffe)
      Bern von Baer (Heer)
      Gerhard Barkhorn (Luftwaffe)
      Heinz Behnke (Heer)
      Heinrich von Behr (Heer)
      Carl Heinz Birnbacher (Marine)
      Adalbert von Blanc (Marine)
      Friedrich Buchenau (Heer)
      Rudolf Gustav Buhse (Heer)
      Johann Condné (Heer)
      Heinz Cramer (Luftwaffe)
      Kurt Deichen gen. Charly (Heer)
      Oskar-Hubert Dennhardt (Heer)
      Ernst-Hindenburg Ebeling (Luftwaffe)
      Werner Ebeling (Heer)
      Walter Enneccerus (Luftwaffe)
      Heinz-Otto Fabian (Heer)
      Wilhelm Fahlbusch (Luftwaffe)
      Friedrich Albert Foertsch (Heer)
      Herbert Fritz (Heer)
      Ludwig Heinrich Gaedcke (Heer)
      Walter Gericke (Heer)
      Carl-Heinz Greve (Luftwaffe)
      Heinz-Günther Guderian (Heer)
      Friedrich Karl Guggenberger (Marine)
      Robert Karl Friedrich Gysae (Marine)
      Martin Harlinghausen (Luftwaffe)
      Hellmuth Hauser (Luftwaffe)
      Heinrich-Georg Hax (Heer)
      Hanns Heise (Luftwaffe)
      Adolf Hempel (Luftwaffe)
      Karl Herzog (Heer)
      Adolf Bruno Heinrich Heusinger (Heer)
      Friedrich August von der Heydte (Heer de Reserve)
      Claus Hinkelbein (Luftwaffe)
      Cord Dietrich Bertram von Hobe (Heer)
      Erich Hohagen (Luftwaffe)
      Theodor Hopf (Heer)
      Paul-Werner Hozzel (Luftwaffe)
      Dietrich-Adolf Hrabak (Luftwaffe)
      Joachim-Friedrich Huth (Luftwaffe)
      Max-Josef Ibel (Luftwaffe)
      Otto Christian Ites (Marine)
      Rolf Johannesson (Marine)
      Josef Kammhuber (Luftwaffe)
      Friedrich Walter Karl Kemnade (Marine)
      Karl Kessel (Luftwaffe)
      Paul-Georg Kleffel (Heer)
      Bernd-Georg Klug (Marine)
      Friedrich Körner (Luftwaffe)
      Otto Korfes (NVA)
      August Wilhelm Otto Kretschmer (Marine)
      Werner Krieger (Heer)
      Hans Kroh (Luftwaffe/Heer)
      Horst Krüger (Luftwaffe)
      Walter Krupinski (Luftwaffe)
      Kurt Kuhlmey (Luftwaffe)
      Günther Kuhnke (Marine)
      Ernst-Friedrich Langenstraß (Heer)
      Günter Langer (Heer)
      Heinz-Georg Lemm (Heer)
      Kurt von Liebenstein (Heer)
      Hans-Joachim Löser (Heer)
      Anton Lorch (Heer)
      Smilo von Lüttwitz (Heer)
      Hellmuth Mäder (Heer)
      Helmut Mahlke (Luftwaffe)
      Gerhard Matzky (Heer)
      Wilhelm Meentzen (Marine)
      Wilhelm Meyn (Luftwaffe)
      Alfred Müller (Heer)
      Vincenz Müller (NVA)
      Joachim-Ernst Oskar Munzel (Heer)
      Horst Niemak (Heer de Reserve)
      Friedrich-Erich Obleser (Luftwaffe)
      Horst Ohrloff (Heer)
      Günther Pape (Heer)
      Max-Josef Pemsel (Heer)
      Ernst Georg Kurt Philipp (Heer)
      Anton-Detlev von Plato (Heer)
      Hermann Plocher (Luftwaffe)
      Franz Pöschl (Heer)
      Joseph-Maria von Radowitz (Heer)
      Günther Rall (Luftwaffe)
      Paul Reichelt (Heer)
      Josef Friedrich Remberg (Luftwaffe)
      Wilhelm Renner (Heer)
      Alfred Ritz (Heer)
      Güstav-Siegfried Rödel (Luftwaffe)
      Hans-Rudolf Rösing (Marine)
      Bernhard Rogge (Marine)
      Horst Rudat (Luftwaffe)
      Friedrich Oskar Ruge (Marine)
      Detlev von Rumohr (Heer)
      Richard Schimpf (Luftwaffe)
      Gottfried Ludwig Horst von Schroeter (Marine)
      Franz-Joseph Schulze (Heer)
      Curt Siewert (Heer)
      Karl-Ernst Smidt (Marine)
      Hans Speidel (Heer)
      Albert Stecken (Luftwaffe)
      Johannes Steinhoff (Luftwaffe)
      Werner Streib (Luftwaffe)
      Hans Teusen (Heer)
      Rolf Thomsen (Marine)
      Erich Topp (Marine)
      Hannes Trautloft (Luftwaffe)
      Heinrich "Heinz" Trettner (Luftwaffe/Heer)
      Henrich von Treuberg Fischler (Heer)
      Günter Vollmer (Heer)
      Rudolf Wätjen (Heer)
      Helmut Walter (Heer)
      Gottfried Ludwig Weber (Heer)
      Ernst Wellmann (Heer)
      Ulrich Wernitz (Luftwaffe)
      Curt von Witzendorff (Heer)
      Max-Eckart Wolff (Marine)
      Hermann Wulf (Heer)
      Edel-Heinrich Zachariae-Lingenthal (Heer)

      best regards
      Last edited by Nigel N; 06-17-2012, 10:00 AM.


        Thanks for posting Tom,

        But sadly the list is imcomplete.
        I just checked all the names of the Dk's and none of the names of my bars are listed.
        I also made a fast count of the RKT's that served in the BW (there were 716) but I only counted around 120 names.


          Originally posted by LuckyLuudje View Post
          Thanks for posting Tom,

          But sadly the list is very imcomplete.
          I just checked all the names of the Dk's and none of the names of my bars are listed.
          I also made a fast count of the RKT's that served in the BW (there were 716) but I only counted around 120 names.
          yeah only got admirals and generals oberst and lower you guys will have to add

          best regards


            Hi Tom!
            Thanks for spending time posting these lists!!
            I dont think we've had such lists before posted in the 57 section, maybe a link to an external source, but its great to have them here for all to see, use and enjoy!!
            I have a couple of attributed pieces to BW guys that are'nt on the list....

            Heinz Behnke (H) -RK
            Ulrich Wernitz (L) -DKiG & RK

            When others have added more, we can always edit your list to include the extra names, if thats ok with you Tom?
            Thanks again, Its Appreciated!!!
            sigpic 57ers...."The Devil Is In The Detail"


              Originally posted by Nigel N View Post
              Hi Tom!
              Thanks for spending time posting these lists!!
              I dont think we've had such lists before posted in the 57 section, maybe a link to an external source, but its great to have them here for all to see, use and enjoy!!
              I have a couple of attributed pieces to BW guys that are'nt on the list....

              Heinz Behnke (H) -RK
              Ulrich Wernitz (L) -DKiG & RK

              When others have added more, we can always edit your list to include the extra names, if thats ok with you Tom?
              Thanks again, Its Appreciated!!!
              always okay with me Nigel add away i posted for you guys

              best regards
              ps have you posted the Ulrich Wernitz pieces?


                Originally posted by foghorn View Post
                yeah only got admirals and generals oberst and lower you guys will have to add

                best regards
                So we have something to do in the future


                  Originally posted by LuckyLuudje View Post
                  So we have something to do in the future
                  it will keep you and the general busy

                  brilliant avatar by the way


                    Hi Tom!!
                    I have Wernitz's RK, but not his DK!!!!
                    I did post it a couple of years ago!!!
                    sigpic 57ers...."The Devil Is In The Detail"


                      Originally posted by Nigel N View Post
                      Hi Tom!!
                      I have Wernitz's RK, but not his DK!!!!
                      I did post it a couple of years ago!!!
                      just found it what a corker its a beuty

                      best regards


                        Thanks Tom!!
                        The dealer had split the RK from the case and ribbon, and replaced the original ribbon witha modern repro, i could'nt afford the case as well at the time, but luckily, it remained unsold for a while, and i was able to get that too, so RK, ribbon and case are all reunited!!
                        Love the postwar photo of him too, looks a bit of a joker!!
                        sigpic 57ers...."The Devil Is In The Detail"


                          Originally posted by Nigel N View Post
                          Thanks Tom!!
                          The dealer had split the RK from the case and ribbon, and replaced the original ribbon witha modern repro, i could'nt afford the case as well at the time, but luckily, it remained unsold for a while, and i was able to get that too, so RK, ribbon and case are all reunited!!
                          Love the postwar photo of him too, looks a bit of a joker!!
                          well done at reuniting them shame on the dealer greedy

                          best regards


                            Selling the Medal and the case seperately is standard business practise for a lot of dealers, makes more money that way!!
                            Sad But True!!! (Mmmm, thats a Metallica song)
                            sigpic 57ers...."The Devil Is In The Detail"


                              Originally posted by Nigel N View Post
                              Sad But True!!! (Mmmm, thats a Metallica song)
                              I'm your dream, make you real
                              I'm your eyes when you must steal
                              I'm your pain when you can't feel
                              Sad but true

                              it is at that


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