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Katana Made for the Emperor

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    Katana Made for the Emperor

    Has anybody seen this..........


    Rene Chavez

    Link did not work for me.
    Looking for a 30 '06 Chauchat magazine.


      Found the link

      Whet your appetite with these three images:

      "...This sword was a gift for the Governor General of Germany Adolf Hitler and was inscribed accordingly...."

      kantei-sho (鑑定書) No 3006052

      katana, mei: Tengyô-tassei kigan no tame (為祈願天業達成) Kun-yontô Kurihara Hikosaburô Minamoto Akihide kore o kinsaku (勲四等栗原彦三郎昭秀謹作之) Monjin Akitada chôkoku onshi eishin ka’i (門人昭忠彫刻恩師咏進歌意) Shôwa dai-jûroku shintaisei gannen shôgatsu kichijitsu (昭和第十六新体制元年正月吉日) nagasa 2 shaku 3 sun 1 bu

      Migi wa tô-kyôkai ni oite shinsa no kekka, hozon-tôken to kantei-shi kore o shô-suru. (右は當協會に於て審査の結果保存刀剣と鑑定しこれを証する)

      Heisei nijûrokunen shichigatsu kokonoka (平成二十六年七月九日)

      kôeki-zaidan-hôjin (公益財團法人): Nihon Bijutsu Tôken Hozon Kyôkai (日本美術刀劍保存協會)


      katana, signed: Carefully made by Kurihara Hikosaburô Minamoto Akihide, bearer of the fourth court rank, as a prayer for the achievement of the Emperor’s work. Engravings by Akitada which are a poem of my master [Akihide] dedicated to the Emperor. On a lucky day of January of the first year of the 16th New Structure Movement [1940].

      nagasa ~ 70.0 cm

      According to the result of the shinsa committee of our society we judged this work as authentic and designate it as hozon-tôken.

      July 9th 2014

      [Foundation] NBTHK




        Front Row far left: Kasama Ikkansai Shigetsugu; 3rd from left: Toyama Mitsuru, 4 th from the left: Kurihara Hikosaburo (Akihide); far right: Kiyoyuki Beppu; 2 nd
        from right: Dr Tazawa Kuniichi. Back row far right: Yoshihara Kuniie; 2 nd from right: Yoshihara Masahiro; 6th from right: Yoshihara Kuninobu.
        Whom they failed to mention is the very famous swordsman, Nakayama Hakudo, who is sitting front row, second from the left.

        If somebody can inform the organization of Nakayama's identity I would appreciate it.



          It's a shame they didn't describe how it got from Hitler's possession to the Aussie group.


            Talk about bling!

            Not my taste at all but can appreciate the workmanship.


              Where is this sword now? I read the article but their is a chance I missed it.


                A uk collector used to own one of these
                I am not sure how many were presented to hitler??


                  Originally posted by nickn View Post
                  A uk collector used to own one of these
                  I am not sure how many were presented to hitler??
                  Was it not Clive Sinclaire? That's what I recall hearing.


                    Where does it say the name Adolf Hitler? Certainly not on the sword itself.


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