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IJN Qingdao Special Base Unit Banner

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    IJN Qingdao Special Base Unit Banner

    Hi All,

    I' m helping Jareth-san for posting this interesting banner.

    It's a victory banner for the IJN Special Base Unit stationed in Qingdao.

    The IJN Special Base Unit was a Shipboard unit or Naval Police Unit that was assigned mainly for shore patrols, communication, supply reinforcements of the fleet, shipboard medical and hygiene.
    Basically a Naval Landing Unit, they were placed along with with the Naval Landing troops during early occupation of China.
    The Commander of the Qingdao District was Vice Admiral (final rank) Shigeji Kaneko (金子 繁治), not to be mistaken for the famous post war boxer. Vice Admiral Kaneko started commanding in 1937.




    優勝 (Yuushou) - Victory (tournament), could be for sports - Kenndou, or Sumo...

    青島方面 (Qingtao Houmenn) - Qingdao District

    特別根拠地隊 (Tokubestsu Konkyou Chi Tai) - Special Base Unit

    Any further information on this banner would be appreciated.

    Thank you and regards,

    That's an attractive looking banner!

    A lot of work in that one, nice.




      Thanks Taka for posting & translation. Any additional opinions or research help is greatly appreciated



        Ahhh.... Tsingtao. And I thought that was a beer! I really cannot read the new-style romanization of Chinese. Quindao??? Who would've thought?

        After a minor British naval attack on the German colony in 1914, Japan occupied the city and the surrounding province during the Siege of Tsingtao after Japan's declaration of war on Germany in accordance with the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. The failure of the Allied powers to restore Chinese rule to Shandong after the war triggered the May Fourth Movement.
        Map of Qingdao in 1912

        The city reverted to Chinese rule in December, 1922, under control of the Republic of China. The city became a direct-controlled municipality of the ROC Government in 1929. Japan re-occupied Qingdao in 1938 with its plans of territorial expansion into China's coast.



          Interesting! Thanks Guy


            Neat banner!

            Here is some info on IJN Special Base Forces which mentions Qingdao Area Special Base Force:




              Hey ... I just did a big post with some Japanese data .... what happened to it?

              Maybe it'll show up after my coffee break.



                Rats! I'll just repost THEN go to Starbuck's!!

                Perhaps Taka-san or Nick-san can tell whether this information is pertinent to your study or not.


                第二節 青島方面特別根拠地隊

                Chapter 2. Quindao District Special Base Unit

                Kuwabara Troop Naritomi Corps (Student Corps )

                第32期 技術科士官 永久服役193名は、短現1151名と共に17年9月30日、築地の海軍経理学校で見習尉官採用式後、青島 方面特別根拠地隊付(他に永久2名、短現1名は病気のため横須賀鎮守府付)となり、翌10月1日、品川駅集 合、軍用列車で呉に出発する。

                途中、父母に連絡し、深夜の京都駅で士官服の英姿を見せて別れを告げ、呉軍港より御用船「箱根 丸」に乗船。



                青島はドイツが清国から租借して築いた街で、要塞もあり、第一次世界大戦で日本が占領した事が ある。

                街の中心部の尖塔のある教会や、欧風の赤い甍の家並は支那の街とは思えないが、一歩街を外れると治安の悪い 貧しい部落であり、市周辺には抗日の八路軍が出没した。


                我々の教育部隊は青特根に所属し、成富武光中佐を主任指導官として「桑原部隊成富隊」と呼ばれ た。



                先任順とは採用時の序列(官報掲載順)の事で造船・造機・造兵の順があり、それぞれの中では採用時の成績順 で序列が決められていた。


                先任将校 田中兼光 少佐
                軍医長 成宮芳三郎 軍医大尉
                軍医長付 川北悌二 軍医中尉(11月大尉に昇進)
                教務教官 大迫吉次 機関大尉
                教務副官 潮田豊次 造兵大尉(航空材料)
                第1中隊長 高橋豊吉 造兵大尉(砲熕)
                第1中隊長付 原英二 造機中尉(燃料)
                第2中隊長 渡辺英一 造船大尉
                第2中隊長付 多田太郎 造兵中尉(水雷)
                第3中隊長 古本正哉 造機大尉
                第3中隊長付 久米晴郎 造兵大尉(航空射撃)
                第4中隊長 入谷宰平 造兵大尉(航空水槽)
                第4中隊長付 中野実 造機中尉
                第5中隊長 高橋梅太郎 造機大尉(燃料)
                第5中隊長付 溝尻豊 造兵中尉(火薬)
                第6中隊長 成松明寿 造兵大尉(光学)
                第6中隊長付 永岡幹夫 造兵中尉(航空計器)
                第7中隊長 吉田稔 造兵大尉(無線)
                第7中隊長付 館実 造兵中尉(航空機体)

                太平洋戦争は既に2年目を迎え、ミッドウェイ海戦後の戦局は予断を許さず、戦わざる軍人であった技術科士官 といえども戦闘に直結せざるを得ぬ事態が増えて来ていた。

                戦前の初級技術科士官教育は、工作庁での基本実習応用実習に重点がおかれたが、今やその余裕がなく見習尉官 という士官でない身分で、軍人精神の涵養品性の向上、体力の錬磨に重点がおかれ、中国大陸という作戦地で徹 底的に娑婆っ気を抜く教育が行われた。


                「教務教官」は軍紀風紀の元締めで、副官に教育計画を立案させ、実施責任者として睨みをきかせ る。

                本来この職務も兵科士官に担当させるのが適切だが、開戦以来その数が不足していたので、技術科士官の先輩た ちが海軍兵学校で若干の訓練を受けて、その任に当たった。


                5分前 駆け足 ビンタ

                0700 起床
                0715~0725 皇居遥拝、体操
                0730 室内掃除、点検
                0805 朝食、診察
                0900~0920 訓育(軍人勅諭)
                0935 定時点検、始業整列
                0955~1045 第一時限
                1055~1145 第二時限
                1155~1245 第三時限
                1300 昼食
                1400 始業整列
                1410~1500 第四時限
                1510~1600 第五時限
                1610~1700 第六時限
                1800 夕食、酒保、入浴
                1930 温習初め(自習時間)
                2030 温習中止
                2040 温習再開
                2130 温習止め、甲板掃除、就寝用意
                2200 巡検用意
                2215 巡検



                この五分前精神はその後の人生生活に大いに影響し、会議時間、約束の時間等に殆ど遅刻したこと はない。

                また何事によらず、五分位の余裕をもって心の準備を十分にすることの重要性を教えられ、戦後激動の時代を心 の余裕をもって乗り切ることが出来た一因ではないかと思う。



                原因は忘れたが、一中隊全員が大迫大尉に総員ビンタを食った事があるが、久迩宮(くにのみや) 家 から臣籍降下をされた宇治家彦伯爵も同列であった。






                外出と言っても治安の関係もあり、指定された食堂と休養所を 回るだけである。

                当時内地では味わえない分厚いビフテキやコーヒーケーキ等を十二分に堪能 した。

                訓練修了 任地へ


                大学出は中尉に、任官高工出は見習尉官の侭で、今度は技術士官として実務実習を行うため任地へ赴任の為、特 設巡洋艦「清澄丸」と貨物船「南満丸」で佐世保と呉に向かう。

                当時、既に戦局は転換期を過ぎ、開戦以来先手を取り軍備力の不足をカバーしてきた日本海軍も後手に回ってお り、この航海も厳重な警戒措置が取られた。



                Kuwabara Troop Naritomi Corps (Student Corps )

                September 30, 17 , apprentice company officer adopted the formula after the Navy accounting school of Tsukiji , two permanent , 193 people the first stage 32 Industrial Arts permanent prison officer is , in short ( other Qingdao towards special Corps base ground with the current 1151 together with the short people 1 day Yokosuka guardian Office with ), and next October , the current one person starts to Wu Shinagawa Station set , military train due to illness .

                The way , you should contact the parents , and said goodbye to the show noble figure of clothes officer in Kyoto station late at night , and on board your charter to " Hakone Maru" from Kure naval port .

                Early morning on the 3rd , departure .
                The 5th afternoon , I entered the port in Qingdao .
                For Qingdao shrine , provisional landing .

                Next the 6th and into the house of university students path source Shandong University .

                The streets of Germany built is leased from the Qing Dynasty , there is also a fortress , there is that Japan was occupied by the First World War Qingdao .

                I do not think the city of China and spired church in the center of the city , the line of houses of Iraka red Continental , but it is a poor hamlet bad security out of the step street , Eighth Route Army of anti-Japanese infested the city around were .

                Navy naval brigade is a landing in the presence of the enemy early in the day支事strange , special base ground team is placed .

                Commander was Lieutenant General Torao Kuwahara .
                Education forces we belong to the blue especially roots , was called " Kuwahara Naritomi Corps troops " as chief leadership officer Lieutenant Colonel Naritomi Takemitsu .

                The organization , as the first company a permanent prison , Tangen was divided into six squadrons to the 7th Squadron from the second company .

                Each company in the four platoons , each platoon is divided into three or four squad , students were in order of precedence in the platoon leader group leader .

                There is the order of shipbuilding , Zoki - Zohei in that order of adoption when the ( Federal Register publication order) The order of seniority , rank had been determined by the performance of the order at the time of adoption in each .

                I became that this order will affect the fate of each person after .

                Advisor chief leadership officer Lieutenant Colonel Naritomi below , it was various government next .
                Senior officer Tanaka Major Kanemitsu
                Army surgeon length Narumiya Yoshisaburo medical officer Captain
                ( Promoted to captain in November ) medical officer length with Kawakita Teiji army surgeon lieutenant
                Academic Affairs instructor Osako Yoshiji institution captain
                Academic Affairs lieutenant Shiota Toyoji Zohei captain ( aviation material )
                During the first captain Takahashi Toyokichi Zohei captain ( gun熕)
                During the first captain TsukeHara Eiji Zoki lieutenant ( fuel )
                During the second captain Watanabe Eiichi shipbuilding captain
                During the second captain with Tada Taro Zohei lieutenant ( Torpedo )
                Third captain in secondhand book Masaya Zoki captain
                During the third captain with Kume Haruo Zohei captain ( aviation shooting )
                Fourth captain in Iriya Osamutaira Zohei captain ( aviation aquarium )
                Fourth in captain with Nakano real Zoki lieutenant
                Fifth of captain Takahashi Umetaro Zoki captain ( fuel )
                Fifth of captain with Mizojiri rich Zohei lieutenant ( gunpowder )
                Sixth captain in Narimatsu Myoju Zohei captain ( optical )
                Sixth in captain with Mikio Nagaoka Zohei lieutenant ( aeronautical instruments )
                Seventh in Captain Minoru Yoshida Zohei captain ( wireless )
                Seventh in Captain Hall with real Zohei lieutenant ( aircraft body )

                Pacific War is the second year already , the war situation of the Battle of Midway after do not tolerate prejudice , N. situation was coming increasingly forced to direct connection to battle even the technology department officer was a soldier forced to fight .

                The Elementary Industrial Arts officer prewar education , emphasis is placed on basic training application training at work Agency , but status not officer of apprentice company officer not able to afford it now , improvement of cultivation products of the military spirit , lemma of physical fitness emphasis is placed on , disconnect the education maybe even corrupt world extensively with theater of operations that mainland China has been carried out .

                The term " senior officer " is a winning combination in the branch of the army officers re- senior , preside over the instructor Everyone in the instructor .

                Padrone of military discipline in the public morals , is allowed to develop a training plan to aide-de-camp , " Academic Affairs instructor " is Kikaseru the glare as the person responsible for implementation .

                " Subadar " to oversee the company every apprentice company officer , I is responsible for the discipline .
                It is appropriate to be in charge of the branch of the army officers also this role originally , but the number because of a lack of war since , seniors vocational-technical officer trained in slightly Naval Academy , was hit in the responsibility .

                Teach physical education and land battle drill , it has been non-commissioned officer instructors .
                It was also the cause removed the identity of the officer .

                Face Slapping whirlwind 5 minutes ago

                It is daily routine notice to October 7 .
                During landing the time being is ( going out ) prohibited .
                0700 wake-up
                0715-0725 Imperial Palace Yohai , gymnastics
                0730 interior cleaning , inspection
                0805 breakfast , examination
                0900-0920 discipline ( military imperial instructions )
                0935 annual inspection , opening alignment
                0955-1045 first teaching units
                Second units of 1055-1145
                1155-1245 third teaching units
                1300 lunch
                1400 opening alignment
                1410-1500 fourth units of instruction
                Fifth units of 1510-1600
                1610-1700 sixth units of instruction
                1800 dinner , canteen , bathing
                1930 rehearsal beginning ( study period )
                2030 rehearsal stop
                2040 rehearsal Resume
                Stop 2130 rehearsal , deck cleaning , going to bed prepared
                2200 Excursion available
                2215 Excursion

                The 1st of the daily routine begins with " five minutes before causing all hands " .

                Word of command of five minutes before trotting down the hall in front of the reveille .
                Get up jump along with the trumpet and ready to go .
                The excursion ended with it hung in front of the opening of all the five minutes ago.

                That they do not greatly affect life later life , meeting time , it was late almost time of the promised five minutes before this spirit .

                Also I think whether it is cause that can be taught how important it is regardless of the everything , to fully prepare for the mind to have a margin of quintile , and survive well in advance of mind era of post-war upheaval .

                Whirlwind all , there was a rule in various ways , such as flying two -stage stairs in-house .

                Face Slapping came flying along with the cry of " Lee ! Wait " rule violation is found to instructor .
                Also be interpreted to be a joint and several liability in some breaches or violations , and also when all hands slap .

                You have forgotten the cause , but there is one company that everyone ate the all hands to slap Osako captain but , Uji Ie彦Earl , which is a drop from Shinseki Kuninomiya ( Kuninomiya ) house was also the same row .

                At a later date , he has leaked the impression that say " from being beaten ne is painful " he said.

                Navy is a sailor . I think that it was taught the importance of teamwork and the rules strictly .
                I feel what Ichimyaku lead to corporate management .

                Landing ( go out )

                I said that the landing of going out in the Navy .

                Landing permission came out for the first time (Meiji clause ) November 3 .

                There is also a relationship of security to say that going out , it is only around the recreation office and dining room that has been specified .

                Since alcohol is prohibited , was sugar intake and appetite exclusively .
                I have more than enough enjoy the chunky coffee cake , and the like beefsteak not to be able to taste at home at that time .
                Alumni of the senior residents of Kobe Koko gave me open is one of the memories .

                To complete training duty station

                January 15, 18 , ceremony .

                University of submissions to the lieutenant , commissioned sales engineering and out in the mom of apprentice company officer , for the appointed , Sasebo -ku, special cruiser as " clear round " cargo ship in the " MinamiMitsurumaru " to the duty station for carrying out practical training as a technical officer in turn I headed to Wu .

                Japanese Navy at that time , the war situation is past the turning point already , 've covered the shortage of arms force to take the first move since the war are also turning to iron , strict vigilance measures were also taken this voyage .

                I think strength of our beginner officer also was much hurry.


                  Jeeez Guy, you need a BIG coffee machine at YOUR place!




                    Originally posted by RussellM View Post
                    Jeeez Guy, you need a BIG coffee machine at YOUR place!





                      WOW !!

                      Guy-san, Sugoidesu !

                      Awesome translation effort !



                        Originally posted by J7W22007 View Post
                        WOW !!

                        Guy-san, Sugoidesu !

                        Awesome translation effort !

                        No, no, NO! It was a cut-and-paste into "WikiTranslate". I didn't change anything this time.



                          Thanks Guy! Tremendous effort. I appreciate it!


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