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new bits and some help please

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    new bits and some help please

    HI all

    having been quiet for some time now on the collecting front I got these two new items today. the first is part of an early mess tin set, it's missing the lower (main) body of the set so I hope to find that some day and the other is a late Meiji Early Taisho pay book for a Mr Yamamura Genzou with two photographs of him.

    If anyone can help with what is written on the mess tins or info on the stamps I'd apreciate it.

    Also if possible can someone help with the details of Mr Yamamura's pay book, especially on the medals / awards front and his unit etc.

    many thanks as always

    Paul M.

    <a href=";current=DSCN0269.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
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    mess tin

    Side scratched: さかい Sakai [in katakana]

    Bottom paint:
    酒井 Sakai

    マステルスカヤ [Masuterusukaya] ... I have no idea! I get some google hits when I search the katakana .... but don't know if this is a place name or not. Is it perhaps Russian? I see a "Moscow Masuterusukaya"

    =========SEARCH EXAMPLE======

    Google Translated:
    In their respective theaters, Fomenko is converted to non-white plus other limitations space, trying to take advantage of its features production was still.
    Even when I was invited to the theater the other, played carefully by actors skilled, striving to maintain a sense of urgency and a high level of attractiveness as work has been paid, work directing Fomenko, in general all I have a good reputation. The more prominent in comparison with their work is a property possessed by Masuterusukaya experiments. From the fact that its members mainly graduates under the guidance of Fomenko at the University of theater, Masuterusukaya are compared in terms of capability representation and diversity of actors with their veteran actor of the theater established as a theater and also shallow and the history still , I'm frustrated that no enemy is still out. However, the appeal of Masuterusukaya, 3 is the high level of production and the novelty of the experimental theater of Fomenko be tried by master in every direction the actor and charm Seiretsu under the guidance of the Fomenko, and the enthusiasm of the actors that motivated.
    As already mentioned, Masuterusukaya follow the "village" as the theme this time was taken up, in "War and Peace" small theater department Zarataya-Muscatine in 2002, the best producer (Pyotr Fomenko), Best Actress (I have won the Galina Chunina).
    In 2002, the Russian State Prize is given to the Masuterusukaya-Fomenko.
    やはりそのそれぞれの劇場において、フォメンコは空間その他の制限をむ しろプラスに転化し、その特徴を生かした演出を試みている。
    フォメンコの演出作品は、他の劇場に招かれた場合においても、熟練の俳優陣によって 丁寧に演じられ、作品としての魅力と高いレベルの緊張感を保つ努力が払われており、全 般的に高い評価を受けている。それらの作品との比較においてより際立つのは、マステル スカヤの持つ実験性である。マステルスカヤ は劇場としてはまだ歴史も浅く、また演劇大 学でフォメンコの指導を受けた卒業生を中心メンバーとすることから、役者の多様性や表 現能力という点では老舗劇場のベテラン俳優たちと比べて、まだまだ敵わないという不 満 は出る。しかしながら、マステルスカヤ の魅力は、フォメンコの指導の下、意欲あふれる 役者たちの熱意と清冽な魅力、そして役者を縦横に使いこなして試みられるフォメンコの 演劇実験の斬新さと演出水準の高さである3。
    すでに述べた通り、マステルスカヤ は今回テーマとして取り上げた『村』に続き、『戦争 と平和』で 2002 年のザラタヤ・マスカ賞小劇場部門、最優秀演出家(ピョートル・フォメ ンコ)、最優秀女優(ガリーナ・チューニナ)を受賞している。
    また、2002 年、マステルスカヤ・フォメンコに対してロシア国家賞が与えられた。



      Your booklet was for a transport soldier named Yamamura. It looks like he was a commoner from Tokyo (booklets of this age and before had notations for those soldiers who were from non-samurai and samurai families) born in June, 1889. He belonged to the 1st Division, 1st Transport Battalion, 2nd Company. After entering into active service with the 2nd Company in June, 1910, it does not seem like he did a heck of a lot afterward. There are several stamps of what I believe to be yearly roll call through the Taisho period, ending with the last stamp for Taisho 10 (1921). Hopefully others can go into further detail of this soldier's history with the 1st Div.


        Concerning the katakana on the mess tin, it might be: мастерская for "workshop". Maybe a Russo-Japanese war connection?



          Aha ... Japanese Loooooove contracting foreign words into pseudo-Japanese.

          Now ... for those who are familiar with the History Channel "hair" Guy, I want you to channel him:

          Could "Masuterusukaya" have something to do with Alexander B. Masterkov??? (cf: first image on linked page.)

          Was a Russian POW camp named for him???

          Then maybe the owner of this mess tin in such a camp?

          What if ... the owner survived a POW camp named Masterkov and painted it on his mess tin?

          Enquiring minds want to know ....
          Google Translation of above-linked page:
          Alexander B. Masterkov
          commander of the 5 th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (11th Guards Fighter Division, 2nd Guards Assault Aviation Corps, the 2nd Air Army, the 1st Ukrainian Front), Guard lieutenant. Born in the family of the worker. Russian. Finished 7 grades. After high school, trade schools at the plant "Dynamo" worked on it a turner. Also studied at the flying club. In the Red Army from March 13, 1940. In 1941 he graduated from the 2nd Borisoglebsk Red Banner Air Force Pilot School Chkalov. He served there as an instructor pilot. On the Great Patriotic War in December 1942. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1943. As part of the 5 th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment fought near Kharkov. July 23, 1943 in a battle with a large group of enemy aircraft shot down our pilots shot down 10 and 5 aircraft. Of these, two counts Masterkova Ju-87 and one Me-109. In June 1944, led by lead managers and forced to sit on our airfield fighter FW-190. February 18, 1945 Guard Lieutenant Masterkov AB flew at the head of four La-7 on the cover for ground troops near the town of Guben (Germany). Barrazhiruya in a given area, our pilots found 20 Ju-88, accompanied by four FW-190. Couple HSU S.G.Glinkina went on the attack on the bombers and Masterkov with his wingman attacked "Focke-Wulf." German fighters did not take the fight and went into the clouds. Then rushed to the aid Masterkov Glinkin. In the first attack, and the machine was hit by one "Junkers". The rest fell sharply and tried to escape at low level. Trowels rushed after them. Having caught up with the closing, he released a queue and shot it down. Then went to the tail of another and pulled the trigger, but ran out of ammo. To prevent the enemy to leave Masterkov walked right up and screw off his tail. "Junkers" went into a tailspin and crashed into the ground. Trowels safely landed at its airport. By March of 1945 made 195 sorties, 40 aircraft shot down 18 enemy aircraft. March 20, 1945, led executives flew to escort bombers to the area of ​​Bautzen (Germany). Over to his fighter La-5 anti-aircraft missile hit. The plane caught fire. A.B.Masterkov left it, but the canopy caught on the keel of the incident plane. Kalitnikovskaya buried at the cemetery in Moscow (part 2). For courage and heroism in battle, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on June 27, 1945 Guard lieutenant Masterkova Alexander Borisovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). He was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, Order of the Patriotic War, 1 st and 2 nd degree. In 1971 in Moscow, one of the streets near the factory "Dinamo" was named A.B.Masterkova, and the plant itself is a memorial plaque. His name also was of the Pioneer squad Moscow school № 474


            I love that guy! "I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens."




              Hmmmm ..... Мастерская - workshop. I see it also means workroom or manufactory

              I think your theory is more sound than the History Channel's "Crazy-Hair Guy"!

              --Guy Power


                Thank you all very much for your info and reply’s.

                The Mess tins are the earlier version so the Russo-Japanese war conection is very possible but then why would a russian word be on a japanese mess tin in katakana ? ? ?

                George Thank you very much for the translation of the booklet it's different then another I have of the same period in that it doesn’t have the red kanji section at the beginning. If I get the chance I’ll take pictures of that one as I have no idea about who's it was and what he did.

                Again thank you all very much for your input. it's much appreciated


                  hi again all.

                  I recently picked up another pay book online and so I'm asking for some help with translation again. I was given the following information from the seller "The ownerwas Imperial Japanese Army Senior Private Kudou Kichitarou. He came from Yamagata and was born on Meiji 38 Nen 4 Gatsu 20 Nichi (April 20, 1905). He entered the army in Taisho 14 Nen 12 Gatsu Tsuitachi
                  (December 1, 1925). He was assigned to the DAI 8 SHIDAN HOHEI DAI 32
                  RENTAI DAI 3 CHUUTAI (8th Division, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd

                  but any additional information would help. the seller mentioned that he though that he was entitled to a marksmanship badge. and I know that there is an award filled out but I don't know what type.

                  Many thanks as usual.


                  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IJAPaybook3001_zpse4c3e40d.jpg"/></a>
                  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IJAPaybook3004_zps9b837f30.jpg"/></a>
                  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IJAPaybook3005_zpsd2121186.jpg"/></a>
                  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IJAPaybook3006_zps8517a962.jpg"/></a>
                  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 46481c5b-5c40-424d-b6ed-aca410cb5ff5_zps1041cef7.jpg"/></a>
                  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IJAPaybook3008_zps85275ffa.jpg"/></a>


                    Yes, your second picture shows the award for a marksmanship badge, 3rd class in 1926. ( I believe he may have earned a good conduct badge as well, on the next page) He participated with the 32nd reg. in a few military exercises, including a large special excercise in 1928. Not too much else going on. A few roll call stamps, going into the 32nd Reg. replacement unit in 1933, with a final rollcall stamp in 1936.



                      HI Tom many thanks . I'd tried looking at the information myself but the marksmanship badge information just wasn't in the reference notes. so I assume the kanji in the 2nd photo left hand side page 2nd column is the date and information for the badge ? if so what's the information in the third column???

                      any ideas on what the two pieces of paper stuck in the inside of the book refer to ????

                      sorry for all the questions

                      I appreciate the help.



                        No worries Paul. I am happy to help in any way I can. The Marksmanship badge info. is found in the far left column of pic. #2. The middle column next to it talks about previous education/work. From what I can make out, it looks like the soldier graduated elementary school and went into agriculture. As to the extra pasted info., one has what looks like a "clock number", meaning unknown. The other sheet has a lot of the same info. found in the address/name section contained within the booklet. What is interesting about your booklet, imo, is the addition of "Head of Household" info. and the addition of the father's name on both the pasted insert and the name/address portion of the booklet. I have an example of such a booklet with a pasted insert in my collection. I wonder if it was utilized for quick look up for the unit personnel who were responsible for updating the booklets. Hope this helps!



                          If it means "workshop" could it be from Siberian Internment?


                            Originally posted by Walter Schmidt View Post
                            If it means "workshop" could it be from Siberian Internment?
                            It's possible. I wonder if there are any records of Japanese POW's of the Russo Japanese war?


                              Again many thanks Tom. I did get a Marksmanship badge with the lot so I'll check if it's the correct type. I have another book that I need to photograph if I can ask for your help with that one as well. it's a Taisho type and has some paperwork with it.

                              and as the photos seem to have gone from the thread I'll re-attach them.

                              <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Taisho / Showa Book 1 photo 1 photo IJAPaybook3001_zpse4c3e40d.jpg"/></a>
                              <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Taisho / Showa Book 1 photo 2 photo IJAPaybook3004_zps9b837f30.jpg"/></a>
                              <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Taisho / Showa Book 1 photo 3 photo IJAPaybook3005_zpsd2121186.jpg"/></a>
                              <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Taisho / Showa Book 1 photo 4 photo IJAPaybook3006_zps8517a962.jpg"/></a>
                              <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Taisho / Showa Book 1 photo 5 photo 46481c5b-5c40-424d-b6ed-aca410cb5ff5_zps1041cef7.jpg"/></a>
                              <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Taisho / Showa Book 1 photo 6 photo IJAPaybook3008_zps85275ffa.jpg"/></a>

                              and one of the man himself, interestingly without the marksmanship badge shown.
                              <a href=" .html" target="_blank"><img src=" " border="0" alt=" photo 1_0781d24ec1b3f0bde02740d40cdcaebc_zps934bdb18.jpg "/></a>


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