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Question With Bolt Rifles (Type 99)

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    Question With Bolt Rifles (Type 99)

    This may sound like a dumb question to ask..... If I take the firing pin out of a bolt on an Arisaka Type 99, will the bolt still operate?

    I ask this because I am still 13 and my parents agreed that I could have a WWII rifle if the firing pin is not in the rifle (so it cant fire). They would keep the firing pin, and when we go to a shooting range we will put it back in.

    This would be my first live gun, and my parents are the opposite of "gun-loving people," so this is a step for them.... and it will help me in the collecting world.

    The strange thing is, we are not going to buy any ammo for it for a while.... so it seems pointless to take the firing pin out. (but i would rather not get into an argument with them and not be able to get the rifle at all, so I will just go with it)

    Many Thanks, S. Martin

    Originally posted by Lt. Martin View Post

    I ask this because I am still 13
    you've got to be pulling my leg. if not, then props to you and your posts since they are very well written and formed for a middle schooler.

    too bad you're not located in calfornia, in the SF bay area. if you were, I'd give (your parents) a type 99 if you turned out to be the real thing.

    hopefully you don't get booted from the forums...

    oh, btw, it would probably be easier for them to take the whole bolt, since that is meant to come on/off. taking the bolt out is not exactly hard, but I don't think the rest of the bolt reassembles without it. (as you might infer, I don't really do anything with the arisakas I have inherited.)


      I am kidding.... I have just been collecting for 3-5 years. Every time I come across a new item I want to have in the collection, I try to learn as much as possible about it. (just as everybody should)

      I was in SF over the summer with my family.... I loved it (my new favorite city)

      Being a collector is sometimes challenging for me, because some of my friends think it is cool and interesting while others think it is a waste of time.

      I appreciate the help.... I wish I lived in CA (without the harsh gun laws)


        Somebody on another forum mentioned a trigger lock. (I think that would be a better idea than taking out the firing pin)

        Would that be a better idea?




            I am "new" to guns, so dont think I am an idiot for asking.

            Thanks for the help, S. Martin


              I wouldnt suggest you shoot a jap rifle unless it has been checked first by a knowledgeable collector or gun enthusiast so you don't blow your own head off. But then again you shouldn't BS collectors on any forum if you expect to be treated seriously.
              I suggest you take a hunter safety course first before you even try shooting any rifle.Then have your father or some responsible person familiar with weapons take you to a supervised shooting range to learn the protocols of gun safety.
              Messing with collecting rifles , with no training can have serious consequences if you plan to shoot them ...especially if done outside a range with no certified rangemaster, and out in the boonies at just any old place.. good luck IMO your gonna need it....so ... get smarten S martin before you even pick one up to chamber a round..My suggestion seriously is to enlist in the army...they will train you for free.


                You could take the firing pin and spring out but the pin spring keeps the tension on the safety knob so it wont cock closed because of the safety knob is loose...it can be done but it is a pain to uncock it and cock it closed again


                  Originally posted by juoneen View Post
                  But then again you shouldn't BS collectors on any forum if you expect to be treated seriously.
                  so ... get smarten S martin before you even pick one up to chamber a round..My suggestion seriously is to enlist in the army...they will train you for free.



                    Could I suggest that you buy an extra firing pin and GRIND the striking part of the pin off. That way you could keep your rifle functioning and have the original pin for when you are ready to fire.
                    Joe T


                      S. Martin,
                      I don't see it as a silly question. I was in your shoes 40-some years ago trying to figure out how I could "smuggle" one of the old army surplus rifles into my bedroom without my parents finding out!
                      I'm 55 now and when I was your age, my parents were dead set against firearms. However I persisted and they sent me to one of those NRA approved training classes for kids that taught me the basics of safety, shooting and marksmanship. Maybe you can do something like that to earn their trust and respect?
                      I like jusmct's suggestion about finding another ground firing pin and inserting that in the place of the original. That way you can still handle and operate the action safely.


                        Some pretty stupid stuff posted here.
                        I believe it is a valid question.

                        Getting a spare pin and clipping it is fine advice.

                        I was 13 when I bought my 1st T99 and bayonet for 10 bucks.
                        Still have them.
                        I'm 62. I was taught safety and proper handling from about 6 yrs of age.

                        My folks weren't thrilled with my growing interest in souvenier weapons, but never stood in the way.

                        My grand dad about had a cow when my buddy andI drug home a functional MG 08.
                        He did fire it, though.

                        Good luck in furthering your interest.
                        Buy some books.


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