They certainly confiscated and used whatever they could get their hands on including lady's model bikes which are a lot easier to dismount from in a hurry (wearing full combat kit!). So actual more practical than men's models!
Regarding colors, I would think they had the means and needs to camo these bikes when needed, especially confiscated civi models which could otherwise be in bright colors!
The (light) green bike on American restorers could have been a period camo job, it could also have been period repainted even by a US serviceman. Who knows?
The color reminds me of Aircraft interieur paint...Done on base?
Regarding colors, I would think they had the means and needs to camo these bikes when needed, especially confiscated civi models which could otherwise be in bright colors!
The (light) green bike on American restorers could have been a period camo job, it could also have been period repainted even by a US serviceman. Who knows?
The color reminds me of Aircraft interieur paint...Done on base?