Thanks for showing us your stuff.
Originally posted by Dave Mosher
Thanks all for your comments. A tunic like this had always been on my wish list and I'm glad that both the availability and my limited resources were able to meet.
Paul, feldgrau was pretty light, with no more than 10 tunics surfaced during the show. The only OR tunic I recall seeing was a private purchase M 1907/10 infantry tunic with aviation shoulder straps on Malcolm Fisher's table. As far as caps were concerned, there were several decent OR cavalry visor caps for sale and seemed to move with ever higher prices from dealer's table to dealer's table. One black banded dragoon cap I recall was priced at about 650 USD and a JzP officer cap was priced in the same range. Weitze had a couple of nice feldgrau caps (same as on his website) and of course, they were untouchable, from a price standpoint. Bobby Lee of the forum picked up an awesome kraftfahr saxon officer's leather cap. I picked up my carmine banded cap previously posted by doing some trading with some fellow feldgrau enthusiasts.
A lot of ancillary stuff was to be had, if you looked for it. I picked up three officer's leather field belts at good prices. A friend of mine picked up a nice Hessian LIR 115 brocade belt for 275 USD.
Spikes were everywhere! Unfortunately, they were incredibly high and a lot of them were in less than stellar condition and/or had been "dicked" with.
Paul, feldgrau was pretty light, with no more than 10 tunics surfaced during the show. The only OR tunic I recall seeing was a private purchase M 1907/10 infantry tunic with aviation shoulder straps on Malcolm Fisher's table. As far as caps were concerned, there were several decent OR cavalry visor caps for sale and seemed to move with ever higher prices from dealer's table to dealer's table. One black banded dragoon cap I recall was priced at about 650 USD and a JzP officer cap was priced in the same range. Weitze had a couple of nice feldgrau caps (same as on his website) and of course, they were untouchable, from a price standpoint. Bobby Lee of the forum picked up an awesome kraftfahr saxon officer's leather cap. I picked up my carmine banded cap previously posted by doing some trading with some fellow feldgrau enthusiasts.
A lot of ancillary stuff was to be had, if you looked for it. I picked up three officer's leather field belts at good prices. A friend of mine picked up a nice Hessian LIR 115 brocade belt for 275 USD.
Spikes were everywhere! Unfortunately, they were incredibly high and a lot of them were in less than stellar condition and/or had been "dicked" with.