Two distinct types of training establishments for the education of regular officer candidates in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy were in existence prior to the First World War: The military academies which directly commissioned successful graduates and the cadet schools who graduates were posted to their units usually as a Kadett-Offizierstellvertreter/Fähnrich before eventual commissioning. Students at both types of institute were generally known as Zöglinge or students. The insignia of the students of all these instructional establishments was generally the same with a couple of minor variations. The students were distinguished by braid on the collar according to their level of achievement at their respective academy/cadet schools as follows:
1. Those with "good progress" or bei gutem Fortgang: 1 braid on the collar.
2. Those with "very good progress" or bei sehr gutem Fortgang: 2 Parallel braids on the collar.
BUT MAX 2 LINES (not 5 like in your photo) is very strange
1. Those with "good progress" or bei gutem Fortgang: 1 braid on the collar.
2. Those with "very good progress" or bei sehr gutem Fortgang: 2 Parallel braids on the collar.
BUT MAX 2 LINES (not 5 like in your photo) is very strange