Apologies if I'm asking in the wrong of 2 Imperial forums.
I'm trying to find out the year(s) of the initial pre-WW I class at cadet school Braunschweig and if its faculty ever wore any specific shoulder or other insignia. Any data on the school itself, when started being built, heads of the school, building architect, etc also of interest. The school continued in WW II until destroyed in 1944.
Any help or direction to sources appreciated.
I'm trying to find out the year(s) of the initial pre-WW I class at cadet school Braunschweig and if its faculty ever wore any specific shoulder or other insignia. Any data on the school itself, when started being built, heads of the school, building architect, etc also of interest. The school continued in WW II until destroyed in 1944.
Any help or direction to sources appreciated.