I was hoping someone could help me clarify the role and purpose of the Ingenieur-Korps. A French historian recently supplied the following paragraph:
"Kriegsministerium - 18.11.1914 Nr. 365/11-14 A6 Anforderung von Pionierersatzgerät bei Abgang im Felde (...) 3 - Die besonderen Pionier-Kampfmittel (Minenwerfer nebst Munition, Flammenwerfer, Handgranaten, Gewehrgranaten, Rauchkörper usw.) stehen ausschliesslich zur Verfügung der OHL. Bereithaltung (mit Ausnahme der Flammenwerfer) für den Westen beim Pi.-Ers.-Batl. Nr. 24 in Cöln, für den Osten beim Pi.-Ers.-Batl. Nr. 29 in Posen ; Flammenwerfer nebst Zubehör beim stellvert. Ingenieur-Korps in Berlin. gez. v. Wandel"
The paragraph above is understandable, but can anyone provide me with a quick overview describing the Ingenieur-Korps, including their function and their relationship to the Pionier-Korps? I know they originally
built fortifications and watchtowers, but what was their role in 1914?
More confusing, this French hsitorian stated that: "Stellvertreter Ingenieur-Korps, means during wartime the officers in the 'Heimat,' not at the front.".
This to me makes no sense at all, if he was referring to the rank of Offizierstellvertreter, who as we all know were absolutely not Heimat soldiers. They were front line. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tony http://www.kaisersbunker.com/
"Kriegsministerium - 18.11.1914 Nr. 365/11-14 A6 Anforderung von Pionierersatzgerät bei Abgang im Felde (...) 3 - Die besonderen Pionier-Kampfmittel (Minenwerfer nebst Munition, Flammenwerfer, Handgranaten, Gewehrgranaten, Rauchkörper usw.) stehen ausschliesslich zur Verfügung der OHL. Bereithaltung (mit Ausnahme der Flammenwerfer) für den Westen beim Pi.-Ers.-Batl. Nr. 24 in Cöln, für den Osten beim Pi.-Ers.-Batl. Nr. 29 in Posen ; Flammenwerfer nebst Zubehör beim stellvert. Ingenieur-Korps in Berlin. gez. v. Wandel"
The paragraph above is understandable, but can anyone provide me with a quick overview describing the Ingenieur-Korps, including their function and their relationship to the Pionier-Korps? I know they originally
built fortifications and watchtowers, but what was their role in 1914?
More confusing, this French hsitorian stated that: "Stellvertreter Ingenieur-Korps, means during wartime the officers in the 'Heimat,' not at the front.".
This to me makes no sense at all, if he was referring to the rank of Offizierstellvertreter, who as we all know were absolutely not Heimat soldiers. They were front line. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tony http://www.kaisersbunker.com/