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another medal bar-help needed

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    another medal bar-help needed

    this is another group of medals from the inherited collection. Is it possible to let me know what the medals are and if the item is original.
    Thanks again
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    the rear

    the rear
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      ok this is going from off the top of my head! its a austrian non combat bar! theres no swords on the last 2 medals and as they were commeritves there came with swords for combat and with out for non combat! the 1st 3 medals im not sure what they are but i dont think this is a uncommon grouping either so more then likley its real! the experts can tell about the 1st three but i do know there austian! hope this helps!


        Here a description of the medals:

        1) Österreichisch-Ungarisches Kaiserreich (Austrian-Hungarian Empire), silberne Tapferkeitsmedaille mit Bildnis von Kaiser Karl I (silver bravery medal, awarded from 1916 onwards with Kaiser Karl's I head). To me it looks like a post WWI or at least a late issued medal not made out of real silver. Value: no more than 25 USD.

        2) Österreichisch-Ungarisches Kaiserreich (Austrian-Hungarian Empire), bronzene Tapferkeitsmedaille mit Bildnis von Kaiser Karl I (bronze bravery medal, awarded from 1916 onwards with Kaiser Karl's I head). Quite a common medal, not more than USD 15/20 worth.

        3) Österreichisch-Ungarisches Kaiserreich (Austrian-Hungarian Empire), Karl-Truppen-Kreuz (Kaiser Karl I soldiers' cross), Value about USD 10.-

        4) Ungarn, 1. Weltkriegs-Erinnerungsmedaille (Hungary, WWI commemorative medal), Value about USD 25.- or less

        5) Bulgarien, 1. Weltkriegs-Erinnerungsmedaille (Bulgaria, WWI commemorative medal), Value about USD 25.- or less




          BTW, it is a combatant's bar. Besides the two Bravery Medals, you have the third medal, the lowly underrated Karl-Truppen-Kreuz. To receive this, you had to have served at the front a minimum of 12 weeks and participated in at least one battle.


            Also, the Hungarian and Bulgarian World War One Commemorative Medals in 4th and 5th Place are the combatant versions. Non-combatant versions of these had different ribbons, and for the Hungarian one, the medal itself did not have swords behind the shield.

            That said, I have my qualms about the bar. It lacks either the German Honor Cross for Combatants or the Austrian World War One Commemorative Medal, either or both of which you would expect before the foreign commemoratives. It also seems a little too clean. Nothing definite, just an impression.


              Austrian Medal Bar


              I just know the basics when it comes to A-H medals. Help me out here. Could this person have been a Hungarian and only have gotten the Hungarian version of the Erinnerungsmedaille or should a Hungarian have the Austrian version too? Did all A-H combatants receive the German Honor Cross?



                Just to add what Dave said, the Karl-Truppen-Kreuz was awarded to:

                Das Kreuz wurde von Kaiser Karl am 13. Dezember 1916 als Auszeichnung für alle Frontsoldaten ohne Rücksicht auf den Rang gestiftet, wenn sie wenigstens drei Monate in irgendeiner Frontformation eingesetzt waren, die niedriger
                als eine Brigade war.


                the cross was instituted by Kaiser Karl I on December 13th 1916 as decoration for all soldiers fighting at the front, awarded to all ranks from EM to officers, who has spent at least 3 months in any front unit which was smaller than a brigade.

                As Dave said the above-illustrated medal bar is very likely of a EM or junior NCO who spent some time at the front, in this case a combattant.




                  While it looks clean, I'd bet it's a Hungarian bar too-and I'd love it in my collection!


                    Originally posted by Chip Minx

                    I just know the basics when it comes to A-H medals. Help me out here. Could this person have been a Hungarian and only have gotten the Hungarian version of the Erinnerungsmedaille or should a Hungarian have the Austrian version too? Did all A-H combatants receive the German Honor Cross?

                    It is not a Hungarian mounting style, and there are no medals from the Hungarian regency period, which were rather widely awarded. Also, Hungarians routinely wore the Austrian WW1 commemorative as well as their own:

                    Still, almost anything is possible (as this ribbon bar, which has a non-combatant Hungarian commemorative to someone who was certainly a combatant, shows).


                      My bar (ribbon?)

                      Here's my bar with an Austro/Hungarian WW1 Commemorative medal in third place. Although the green horizontal stripes are faded on the face (they are present underneath) I notice this ribbon has no outer white stripes that I see on other ribbons for this award. What's the deal; variation or non-combat version?
                      Also, I'd like to find a ribbon bar for this fairly common medal bar so if anyone out there has one don't be afraid to let me know please.
                      Eric Gaumann


                        Originally posted by EricFG
                        Here's my bar with an Austro/Hungarian WW1 Commemorative medal in third place. Although the green horizontal stripes are faded on the face (they are present underneath) I notice this ribbon has no outer white stripes that I see on other ribbons for this award. What's the deal; variation or non-combat version?
                        Also, I'd like to find a ribbon bar for this fairly common medal bar so if anyone out there has one don't be afraid to let me know please.
                        Out of curiosity, do you have a photograph of the rear of the bar handy?




                          I do as a matter o' fact.
                          Eric Gaumann


                            Eric, it seems, like there has to be another medal on that ribbon than the Hungarian Commemortative. The ribbon looks, like it could be the Hessian bravery (blue with red stripes) ???



                              No, the stripes are a light green, almost a 'sea green'. You can sorta see a little of the color in the image of the reverse, just above the "Deo" on that medal.

                              After playing with the bar some more it almost seems like the white border on that A/H ribbon has been folded under. There seems to be a "ridge" underneath that ribbon alone. And when I pry it up lightly to look underneath I see white and then the white and green horizontal stripes *but no red*.
                              Eric Gaumann


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