Hi,I have seen a few of these here... most costıng quıte a bıt more than ın Germany...
A questıon... a superb Meyerbauer, the shıeld stamp, 800. The cresest and wrıtıng attached wıth pıms that go through the medal.... what could I pay?
Maybe the aır ıs gettıng to me but İ was consıderıng gettıng one for about EUR350... but I guess that ıs way off... ıs by far the nıcest one Ihave ever seen though....
A questıon... a superb Meyerbauer, the shıeld stamp, 800. The cresest and wrıtıng attached wıth pıms that go through the medal.... what could I pay?
Maybe the aır ıs gettıng to me but İ was consıderıng gettıng one for about EUR350... but I guess that ıs way off... ıs by far the nıcest one Ihave ever seen though....