These are heavily faked. I am not sure what the tell-tale signs are, but nearly every Austro-Hungarian belt buckle is available as a reproduction and they are very good copies.l I wish I could give you some characteristics of the fakes, but I honestly don't know. This one does look artificially aged.
If you look at the buckle from the front side, is there a stamped marking on the upper or lower side of the buckle, near the right side? If there is a stamped mark, that is a bad sign of it being a fake.
The ones that are fake also have the pin for the claw placed very close to the edge of the frame of the buckle, exactly like yours does.
I used to have one that looks just like yours that was also artificially aged darker all over, and mine had a stamp on the top. I believed mine to be a fake example. I sold it as a copy, it is no longer in my collection.
As Alan says, the earlier reported reproductions had a hallmark, if you will, usually on the upper side of the buckle. The punch mark (Punze) is a shield surmounted by a crown. These copies are excellent. Without the hallmark and a known original piece to compare with, I don't know how anyone could pick them out as copies.
Later copies often don't have this mark and are artificially aged.