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Franco-Prussian War

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    Franco-Prussian War

    The wars of German unification culminating with the Franco-Prussian war was a watershed event in German history like the US civil war. Besides all the medal issues of the various German states in 1871 there were many local issues on the 25th and 40th anniversaries of the war. Does anyone here have some that they would like to scan and share with us? I'll start it of with one of mine. This one is from the town of Perlach in Bavaria.
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    Nice one, Fred. It's interesting that the Bavarians would want to commemorate the 1870 conflict, when they fought against the Prussians in 1866


      The Austro-Prussian war of 1866 was a regional conflict which pitted the Southern Germans who were also Catholics against the Northern Germans, Lutherans. The French were foreigners. Any doubts as to which side Bavaria would side with was removed when Napoleon III demanded some Bavarian territory, in a letter to Bismarck, for not getting France involved in the Austrian war of 1866. Bismarck just showed the letter to the Bavarians at the right moment and the rest is history. Some time in the not too distant future OMSA will publish a short article of mine on this subject including a trial list of known medals, in their Journal.


        Originally posted by Fred Borgmann View Post
        The Austro-Prussian war of 1866 was a regional conflict which pitted the Southern Germans who were also Catholics against the Northern Germans, Lutherans. The French were foreigners. Any doubts as to which side Bavaria would side with was removed when Napoleon III demanded some Bavarian territory, in a letter to Bismarck, for not getting France involved in the Austrian war of 1866. Bismarck just showed the letter to the Bavarians at the right moment and the rest is history. Some time in the not too distant future OMSA will publish a short article of mine on this subject including a trial list of known medals, in their Journal.
        But did Hannover, which is very Northern German, not side with the Southerners, and cease to exist as a Kingdom as a result?

        I look forward to your article.


          yes in 1866 the bavarians fought with habsburg against the prussians.
          some regions in the south belonged to habsburg a few years ago.
          the bavarian (or the southern people) say still today: scheiss preiss.
          (means damned prussian )


            Thats funny Joe. I wasnt going to say anything on the subject as to not hurt anyones feelings but then you said it!

            I lived in Bayern for 3 years and the different people in the different States are different but are all good Germans in my oppinion.


              Yes Hannover fought the prussians in 1866. Religion was a consideration but as Hannover proves it was not a hard and fast rule. Politics and economics still ruled supreme in Hannovers case. Being half Bavarian myself I can state that the old school Bavarians dismiss any non-Bavarian German as just a prussian. They also don't have too many nice things to say about Austrians and Swabians. Hearing some of the old stories I am still somewhat amazed that the 2nd reich worked as well as it did through the first world war. History can be very color full when you get behind the official lines.


                Interesting discussion here!

                I'm adding pictures of four veteran's association medals I have in my collection. Not exactly anniversary stuff, but from the period and from veterans of Franco-Prussian (and other late-19th century) war(s).

                Fred, you can use these pictures for your article. If you need bigger scans, just let me know.
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                  Thank you Valter, these are some nice veterans association pieces but they are not within the narrow limits of my topic so I will not be using them in the article. Again thank you for sharing them with us, maybe you could start a thread on German veterans group medals? Fred


                    I think I have one that might qualify. Gary
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                      Thank you Gary, Nice medal on the 25th anniversary of the 2nd reich. but there is nothing on this medal to indicate that it was a locally issued award to veterans of 1864-1871. If some one were to do a book or list of just 25th anniv. medals it would probably look like a telephone book when published. Thanks again, Fred


                        Sorry everyone, in my original post I didnot state that I was thinking of only those medals issued to veterans of these wars and not just generic commemoratives. Again thank you to all who responded. Fred


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