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A Study of the Wagner Style PlM

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    A Study of the Wagner Style PlM

    The purpose of this thread will be to inform collectors about the basic characteristics of Wagner Style Pour le Merites and to create a repository of these types of PlMs for readers to view and study.

    The focus will be on 1914-1918 pieces. In addition to the straight Wagner wartime and a handful of post WWI pieces to surface, it will also include ‘Wagner-type’ pieces that are recognized as likely being made from Wagner dies. The most prominent of these is the Friedländer. Another less common maker (or rather 'vendor') is J. H. Werner.

    I want to be respectful of pictures that have been sent to me before from many of you and will credit all of you (unless requested to remain anonymous) with your pics that I post to the extent that I know them. I will post nothing that I have not been given permission to use if the owner is known. I will correct any pics that do not give proper credit if I left it out. I also hope collectors on this forum will post their Wagner type PlMs here even if they have been posted in older threads. The idea is to gather them here for a single point of study.

    My research on the firm of Wagner & Söhne has produced very little. Unlike the great info on Godet, I can find only thin info on Wagner, which is surprising. The firm apparently began as a partnership with the Georg Hossauer jewelers known as Sy and Wagner around 1859. They vended many of Hossauer’s medals with Hossauer marks until Georg’s death in 1874. The earliest known cross to bear a Wagner mark that I have researched is from 1866. By 1878, the firm became Johann Wagner & Sons. Any additional info on the firm's origins, heyday and decline is most welcome. It is known that the firm was based in Berlin.

    I will begin by covering the basic characteristics of the Wagner-style PlMs produced from the 1914-1918 period.

    The Baroque Ribbon Loop - The first and most obvious feature is the ‘Baroque’ loop at the top of the cross that held the ribbon suspension ring. Only very early Wagners had the ‘pie wedge’ style like the Godets. Wagner apparently changed to the ‘Baroque’ loop some time around 1914. Beware of any ‘baroque’ ‘Wagner’-style loop on a PlM and then marked JguS or some such. It was not done. Yet you see it all the time on Spanish and Rothe fakes on eBay.

    The Wagner Jeweler's Mark – Earliest Wagner marks appear on the Grand Cross versions of the PlMs in the 1860s and were marked with JW&S for Johann Wagner & Söhne. For the standard PlM, it is assumed that the gold content prohibited a hammer punch, so the arms were gently marked with a filed ‘W.’ The earliest I have been able to find these marks is 1866. The proper marks for a 1914-1916 gold piece would be a 'W' in straight jeweler hatches joined to make the letter near the center of the bottom arm ray edge. With the face of the cross up, the ‘W’ would be etched rightside up on the right arm ray edge but abutting the center.

    For a 1916-1918 silver-gilt piece, an imprinted 'W' that makes a neat appearance when stamped is usually found, as the metal content allowed for a punch. 1916-1918 Wagners had the ‘W’ along with the ‘938’ content mark almost always on the bottom arm ray edge. With the face of the cross up, the ‘938’ mark would be stamped rightside up on the left ray edge and the ‘W’ mark stamped or etched right side up on the right ray edge.

    That is the norm. There are exceptions found on awarded PlMs. The ‘W’ and ‘938’ can be found together on the left arm ray edge and at least one example awarded to Franz von Behr had the ‘W’ and ‘938’ upside down when compared to the other.

    The Crown and F
    - The Crown is rather plain, unlike Godet crowns. It has simple, round appearance. Wagner pieces are notorious for not being chased on the lettering or crown, but when they are found chased, it is often just a few dots on the crown and on much older pieces. The crown base extends past the ‘F’ more on the right than on the left. The ‘F’ is very closely positioned to the base of the crown.

    Letters - ‘Scored’ or engraved ‘chase’ marks along the details of the letters by a jeweler are nearly always absent on Wagner pieces. While less ornate, this gives the Wagner a very clean and elegant appearance, highlighting the excellent enamel rather than the lettering.

    Center - Godet crosses have a very thin ‘waist,’ measuring only about 1mm but Wagners are slightly larger at about 2mm.

    Eagles - The eagles are stout and smooth winged rather than long and feather-mottled like Godets. Even the bodies, while cross-hatch feathered, do not have a mottled appearance. This makes them, like the lettering, less detailed but elegant nevertheless. The heads cockaded but usually only on the back of the head. The heavily furrowed brow of the Godet eagle is absent. There are some exceptions to this on late war Wagners but the furrowing is slight when compared to Godet eagles. Wagner beaks are only slightly open but the cuts are usually deep. A few examples have melded beaks but this is by far the exception. Like Godet eagles, Wagners have prominent feet with the legs ‘pushing’ against the sides of the cross. But unlike Godets, they have a distinctive rounded ‘drum stick’ shape with prominent ‘knee caps.’ This is one of the easiest features to identify a Wagner. The tail feathers are formed by five feathers—two sets parallel and a bottom feather. Unlike Godet eagle tails, the feathers blend into the cross notch rather than have a stepped or cut appearance that is joined to the notch. There are other distinctive features about true Wagner eagles that will not be discussed here to protect against fakers.

    The items described above are shown below on this composite of both gold and silver-gilt versions of Wagner and Wagner style PlMs. A special thanks to Andreas and Eric N for the pics and to many others who wished to remain anonymous in pics that follow.

    I will be posting more pics below and I welcome all members to post their Wagner and Wagner style pieces here, even if posted in old threads. More to come on the Friedländer and J. H. Werner PlM variants of the Wagner style. Thanks, Steve
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    Last edited by regular122; 09-12-2008, 05:23 PM.

    A comparison of Wagner style PlMs made by the three recognized makers.
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      Here is a fine example of the issued Wagner in wear.

      Infantry Oberleutnant Erwin Rommel earned his in December 1917 for actions in the Piave Valley near Longarone. Rommel was only one of a handful of junior Infantry officers to earn this highest of decorations. One other Infantry junior officer notable was Ernst Jünger.

      On the right is Kapitänleutnant Lothar von Arnauld de la Periere, captain of the SMS U-35. He earned his in October 1916 after being at sea less than a year when he made 14 voyages with the U-35 during which he sank 189 merchant vessels and two gunboats for a total of 446,708 GRT. Steve
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        The Friedländer Pour le Merite

        The Brothers Friedländer incorporated the firm from Zadek S. Friedländer (June 26, 1801* - March 01, 1861+). They were located at Schloßplatz 13 in Berlin. In 1867 they become court jewelers and took orders at the location Unter den Linden 28 in Berlin. Together with the Johann Wagner & Sohn they were the main source for orders and medals for the Prussian Orders Chancellery. Examples of their work can be found in most Imperial awards of the period.

        The Friedländer PlM differs in no visible ways from the Wagner. In fact, they are so similar, that the maker's marks are the only thing that distinguishes them. After 1916, when the PlM became silver-gilt instead of gold, Friedländer was one of the two official producers of issued PlMs. Godet never modified its style of PlM and vended PlMs privately during the remainder of the war. Consequently, the Wagner and Friedländer are the most common among issued pieces during World War I. Not that they are common at all. Only a few hundred of these wartime examples even exist and when found are quite expensive.

        Here is an example of the punch marks. They could be found in the many variations like Wagner described above. The 'FR' is only found in capital letters on known PlM examples, which differs from their EK I and EK II awards. It is assumed that Friedländer examples marked only '938' exist but there is no way to tell these from a Wagner that I am aware. Sometimes, the baroque loop would be marked, differing from Wagner pieces. Examples exist of '938' and 'FR' marked loops as well. When thus marked, the ray arms are slick. I am not aware of a piece marked both on the loop and the ray arm edge.

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        Last edited by regular122; 09-18-2008, 12:03 AM.


          The Friedländer in wear.

          Major Walter Caspari was awarded a Friedländer PlM in April 1918 while serving as a Hauptmann in the 75th Infantry Regiment. He was promoted to Major. He also was instrumental in saving Bremen from the Communists in 1919-1920 and led his own Freikorps unit.

          This award can be seen in detail on pages 284-289 in Prussian Blue.

          The awards shown here are courtesy of Andreas. His awards are all still in private hands to my knowledge. He wore an S&L PlM as well to reunions. That one can be seen in the S&L thread. Steve
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          Last edited by regular122; 07-13-2009, 08:10 PM. Reason: Replaced with better photos



            I want to compliment you on an excellent thought out and presented study of a complicated subject.

            Thank you,

            Wild Card


              Thanks Wild Card. Discussions on the PlM are always spirited but this one medal captivates us all. I have hoped the various studies by maker have helped shed light where others have not covered. Steve

              Edit: Here is an overview of all of Caspari's medals. Many thanks to Andreas. A fantastic array from a very brave Infantryman.
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              Last edited by regular122; 07-13-2009, 08:15 PM. Reason: Caspari Medal group added.


                The J H Werner Variation

                Next up is the Werner variation. Very little is known about this PlM. It was not 'made' by them per se, but rather marketed and marked by them. It is indistinguishable from the Wagner.

                The Werner firm was run by goldsmith J.H. Werner, Unter den Linden 1, Berlin. He also had a separate shop at Friedrichstr. 173. The company was a major supplier of the Order of the Crown and the Order of the Red Eagle.

                Perhaps the only known example is by forum member Erickn. See this wonderful PlM discussed in detail here. Steve
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                Last edited by regular122; 09-12-2008, 05:57 PM.


                  That's it for the Wagner types. Now on to some examples.

                  Here is what they looked like on arrival.

                  Clockwise from top left.

                  Rudolf Lange PlM with original box
                  Hans Walter PlM in what looks like his Red Eagle Order with Oaks case.
                  Alfred von Vollard-Bockelberg in original case identical to Lange's case (courtesy eMedals).

                  If there are other box or case examples folks would like to share, please post them!! If not Wagner type, please post in the threads for that type.

                  Now on to some named awards. Steve
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                    Here is the special cased presentation version awarded to Major Phillip Sander, commander of Reserve Infantry Regiment 65. Sander earned his award in April 1914 for the capture of the village of Hangard in the face of heavy machinegun fire.

                    The case is a contemporary dark red. Is is unique in that it has a special presentation shield on the reverse which says, "I.v.R.K.d.Offz.d.Stabes 1918."

                    Width - 54.04mm
                    Height - 53.51mm
                    Marks - '938' only on bottom arm ray edge.

                    A special thanks to the individual who provided this incredibly rare example of another fighting Infantryman. Steve
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                    Last edited by regular122; 09-12-2008, 08:59 PM.


                      Here is a nice PlM group of Karl von Stumpff.

                      Lt. General Von Stumpff commanded the 234th Infantry Division on the Western Front. He was awarded the PlM in April 1918 during the big offensive. Displayed below are his decorations and funeral sash from 1936. A spectacular array of rare decorations and memorabilia. Many thanks to the individual who sent these pics to give us a rare look at a named group. Steve
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                        Von Stumpff's Wagner PlM

                        Width - 53.53mm
                        Height - 53.20mm
                        Weight - 25.05 g without loop
                        Marks - 'W' and '938' on the bottom arm ray edge

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                        Last edited by regular122; 09-12-2008, 09:01 PM.


                          Awesome thread Steve

                          It has been suggested the crosshatching design on the J H W PLM was perhaps a Custom touch by Werner. Note on pg.304 of Prussian Blue the Wagner PLM of Lieutenant-Colonel Bohm`s award of May 5, 1918. On the reverse, the upper left eagle presents the same crosshatch design as found on the J H W. The remainder of the eagle breast on this piece present the normal Wagner feathered breast. This feature leaves me ??????? Why would one eagle be crosshatched? What do you make of it?
                          Here is another image of the J H W reverse.

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                            The only reason I can think of would be an eagle that did not get fully finished and polished to the same extent as the others.

                            Your JHW is a wonderful cross. Have you ever seen or heard of another coming to light? Steve


                              Originally posted by regular122 View Post
                              The only reason I can think of would be an eagle that did not get fully finished and polished to the same extent as the others.

                              Your JHW is a wonderful cross. Have you ever seen or heard of another coming to light? Steve
                              This is the only one I have ever seen or heard of with the J H W. However, there is a very similar piece featured on pg. 36 of David Edkins book "The Prussian Orden Pour Le Me`rite." This one also presents the crosshatched eagle breast.
                              I must credit Marshall`s keen eye for bringing to light the fact this piece presents the Wagner/Friedlander die characteristics. He had spotted this early on a few years ago! Also, special Thankx to Brian for several comparisions with The awesome von Etzel PLM mit EL.
                              A piece such as this J H W allows the Ernst Udet story to deserve some modern day credit.

                              It would be nice to see some more Wagner/Friedlander postings! C`mon got `em-Post them!

                              Last edited by Erickn; 09-16-2008, 08:09 PM.


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