Hi all,
Here's my latest acquisition: what I assume to be an Allgemeines Ehrehnzeichen from Kaiser Wilhelm 2nd's reign. I ID it as #1843 in Nimmergut's 99/00 O&E Katalog (another question: do his numbers stay the same in later catalogs?).
But the main question is is the ribbon the same as the Friedrich Wilhelm 3rd's AEZ; white/orange?
Here's my latest acquisition: what I assume to be an Allgemeines Ehrehnzeichen from Kaiser Wilhelm 2nd's reign. I ID it as #1843 in Nimmergut's 99/00 O&E Katalog (another question: do his numbers stay the same in later catalogs?).
But the main question is is the ribbon the same as the Friedrich Wilhelm 3rd's AEZ; white/orange?