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Grenadier-Regiment Nr 11, Füsilier-Regiment Nr 38, 1870/71 war

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    Grenadier-Regiment Nr 11, Füsilier-Regiment Nr 38, 1870/71 war

    Dear Members,

    would anyone of you have in his collection any of these books by

    Georg Wolfram von Ebertz:
    Hundertjährige Geschichte des Grenadier-Regiments König Friedrich III. (2. Schlesisches) Nr 11 1808-1908
    Das 2. Schlesische Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 11, jetziges Gren.-Reg. König Friedrich III im Feldzuge 1870/1


    a history of the schlesisches Füsilier-Regiment Nr 38 in the 1870/71 or its Stammliste?

    I am looking for Laufbahndetails on the two brothers (Stammliste entries). Louis may have been mentioned in the 1870/71 war story, dont know if he was hero though....

    Louis II. Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich Müldner von Mülnheim (kgl. hann. Premierleutnant Infanterie-Regiment 7, kgl. preuss. Premierleutnant zuletzt Hauptmann Grenadier-Regiment Nr 11)

    Carl Louis Theodor Müldner von Mülnheim (kgl hann 3. Infanterie-Regiment, kgl. hann. Leib-Regiment, kgl. preuss. Füsilier-Regiment 38)
    Carl was the father of the Aide to the CP Wilhelm, Louis III. MvM, both Carl and his brother Louis II. being grandsons of th first kurhessian Kriegsminister and Generaladjudant Georg Karl Wilhelm I. Müldner, as M. von Mülnheim ennobled in 1831.

    Did either of them receive the EK?

    Thanks a lot!!

    David M.


    While I do not have any of the books you mentioned, I was able to find out some information on both brothers from other sources.

    Ludwig is shown in the Ranglisten 1867-1872 in Gren. R. 11 as you stated. In the 1871 Rangliste, he is noted as having the EKII. In the 1873 Rangliste he is noted as having left the army as a Capt. and was granted the uniform of GR 11. Another book, Die Kgl. Hannoversche Armee auf ihrem letzten Waffengange, says that he died on 25 May 1890 in Hildesheim.

    Carl Theodor is listed in the Ranglisten 1867-1869 in Inf. R. 57 (Hannover). The 1871 says he was transferred to FR 38, but is not listed as an active officer, nor is he mentioned in the "Abgang" section at the end of the FR 38 listing. This happens often throughout the years, and makes tracing officers even more difficult. The Hannoversche Armee book notes that as of Apr 1897 he was a Hptm. a.D. and living as a Postdirektor in Wriezen. Incidentally, he was shown as being a member of the 1. (Leib) hann. Regt. in 1866. I checked the Stammliste for the 3. Hannoverian Inf. R. and he is not listed there. What leads you to believe he was ever posted to that regiment?



      hi Andy,

      As for Louis I now know that

      Louis II. Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich Müldner von Mülnheim, geboren Nentershausen 6.8.1840, get. 29.8.1840 (Pate: den Oberschultheißen Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich Frankenberg zu Kassel, Vater der Mutter des Kindes) auf Spangenberg und Elbersdorf, Ritter des Eisernes Kreuzes II. Klasse (1870), 16.5.1862 kgl hann. Secondelieutenant im 7. Inf. Rgt, nach den Schlacht bei Langensalza in die preußische Armee übergetreten als Secondelieutenant im Grenadier-Regiment Nr 11, 6.9.1870 Premierleutnant, 1873 ausgeschieden als Hauptmann mit Erlaubnis zum Tragen des Armee-Uniforms des Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 11, Fideikomissinhaber in Condominat mit seinem Bruder Carl, verstorben/begr. Hildesheim 25.5.1890/Spangenberg, Burgsitz

      On Carl I have in the mean time, thanks to Glenn found out the following.

      Carl II. Louis Theodor Müldner von Mülnheim, geboren Nentershausen 29.8.1838, get. 5.10.1838 (Pate: Generalmajor Georg Karl Wilhelm Müldner von Mülnheim in Marburg, Vater des Kindes Vater) auf Spangenberg und Elbersdorf, 31.10.1871 Kriegsdenkmünze 1870-1871, Ausbildung: Privatunterricht, progymnasium Rotenburg, Gymnasium Hersfeld, 1.2.1857 kgl. hann. Kadet 3. Infanterie-Regiment, 6.4.1858 Leutnant im Leib-Regiment, 24.5.1860 Oberleutnant, nach den Schlacht bei Langensalza übergetreten in die preuß. Armee 1.1.1867 ausser Dienst, 9.3.1867 in preussischen Dienste als Oberleutnant mit Patent von 9.8.1864 N dem Infanterie-Regiment Herzog Ferdinand von Braunschweig (8. westfälisches) Nr 57 aggregirt, 22.3.1868 in das Regiment eingereiht, 4.1870 Füsilier-Regiment General-Feldmarschall Graf Moltke (schlesisches) Nr 38, 1870/71 Feldzug gegen Frankreich, 10.8-13.8.1870 Belagerung von Pfalzburg, 19.8.-25.8.1870 Enschliessung und Beschiessung von Toul, 19.9.-31.10.1870 Einschliessung und Belagerung von Paris, 30.9.1870 Hauptmann und Kompagniechef, 26.1.1871 der Abschied bewilligt, 29.1.1874 Postdirector in Angermünde und Neuss, Fideikomissinhaber, anfänglich in Condominat mit seinem Bruder Louis, später alleiniger Inhaber, verstorben/begr. Hildesheim 23.4.1915/Zentralfriedhof.

      Something I did not know was that during the Franco-Prussian war, the EK's did not find so many awardees as they did during WWI, therefore, I am hoping Louis might be in of the Ebertz books.


        11. Landwehr-Regiment

        In the meantime, Glenn has been able to find out for me that before 25.6.1870, and after 1867 Louis II. swopped from the Gren Regt Nr 11 to the 11.Landwehr-Regiment.

        Would anyone be able to find out when this happened and to which kompagnie Louis transferred to in the 11. LR?

        I also would like to know where the 11. LR was garrisoned in this time.

        Thanks again



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