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Oberst Dimitri von Vietinghoff

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    Oberst Dimitri von Vietinghoff

    Dear All,

    In the DOA of 1908/1909 on page 1587, I found an Inhaber of the WIlhelmsorden. His name is Dimitri von Vietinghoff, he is an Oberst, and I hope you can help me out in finding his career data. I already have his o&d ofcourse

    Thanks a lot


    BTW if you ever find an officer you think may have served in the kurhessian army before 1866 and you need some info, don't hesitate to contact me, as I have them all covered!



    I've seen you post many times about kurhessian officers. I'm afraid I'm not really familiar with Kurhesse. Could you possibly give me a brief historical rundown?


      Kurhessens history

      Hi Mike!

      Sure, I can always spend a couple of minutes on the history of Kurhessen. It will be from the top of my head only, so if you like elaboratio here and there, dont hesitate

      In the beginning there was the word and the word was just plain Hessen. It was one of the bigger countries in the Germany of the 300 and more countries. The title of the souvereign was Landgraf.

      The most famous of these was Landgraf Philipps den Grossmuethigen (who did not found, but did gave his name to the later grossherzoglich hessischer Verdienstorden). He also gave his name to the first non-catholic christian University of Europe, in Marburg, which still exists today

      When the Philipp guy died somewhere in the late 16th century, he divided his country up into 3 parts. Hessen-Marburg (died out in 1 generation), Hessen-Darmstadt (the later Grossherzogtum) and Hessen-Kassel (the later Kurfuerstentum). Later evolved other small states such as Hessen-Rheinfels, Hessen-Rheinfels-Wanfried, Hessen-Rothenburg aso, mostly because some illigitemate child had to be taken care of.

      As said Hessen-Marburg line died out and the two other brothers fought for quite some time over the lands that was now without a ruler. Peace came in 1648 (some relative of mine was amongst the representative of Hessen-Kassel at the negotiations), at the same conference as the Muenster Peace or the Peace of Westphalen, as it is called in the Netherlands.

      To focus on Hessen-Kassel. These were well known within the Holy Roman Empire as good fighters. Most of the Hessen-people who played an active part in the british campaign in the States at the end of the 18th century were from Hessen-Kassel, then ruled by Landgraf Wilhelm IX (as they were not very creative with names in that period).

      1803 is another important year in the history of this country. In this year Wilhelm IX. finally got what his grandfather Wilhelm VIII had already been after. Together with Wuerttemberg, Hessen-Kassel was made into the Kurfuerstentum. This meant they could chose who the next Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire would be. Sadly the HRE Franz II laid down the crown in 1806, in doing that he dissolved the Holy Roman Empire and the title became meaningless. However Wilhelm IX, who became Wilhelm I. (the first Kurfuerst) still carried this title.

      1806 Nappo's brother, Louis invaded Kurhessen and the country was taken into the Kingdom Westphalen of yet another brother, Jerome Napoleon. This lasted until 1813.

      1813 The Elector returns. he treats the situatuin in his country as if the last 7 years never happened. As for the militairy, of whom the most have been in westfalian service because of economical reasons, he treats them as if they have only been on leave for the time and gives the back there 1806 ranks in their 1806 positions.

      1814 Against Napoleon in France, Wilhelm I. and his son, Wilhelm Kurprinz manage to deliver to the war some 20,000 soldiers. This was one of the prussian conditions in order to remain on the throne. They are victorious, just as in the 1815 campaign. To reward his brave officers, Wilhelm erects the Order of the Iron Helmet, which had about 150 Knights in 1 class.

      1821 Wilhelm dies and Wilhelm II is on the throne (by this time, my great great grandfather is his Hoflakai, and a distant relative his Fluegeladjudant, and later Kriegsminister. Wilhelm II is the last autocrat, as 1831 the constitution is erected. Wilhelm II cant take the new political situation and de facto resigns, making his son and heir Friedrich Wilhelm Kurprinz-Mitregent. Wilhelm II leaves his capital and dies in 1847

      1847 Kurfuerst Friedrich Wilhelm I, who wants to be an autocrate for all his life. 1848 Revolution, 1849 War in Denmark, Baden and Frankfurth, after these wars, some 11 officers are decorated with the House Order of the Golden Lion with swords 1850 the whole of the militairy officers accept 8 resign because of a conflict. FW want them to make their oath to him personally, whilst the constitution demands otherwise. 1851 erection of the Wilhelmsorden, named not after the II., whom FWI hates, but I., the autocrate whom he admires.

      1866 seven weeks war. Kurhessen chooses the austrian side, politically, but doesn't fight. For the whole periode all but 1 escadre of the Garde du Corps are in the Festung Mainz, waiting for it to be over. FWI gets captured, end of the Kurfuerstentum, The prussian province of Hessen-Nassa rises from the ashes of the Duchy of Nassau and the Kurfuerstentum Hessen.

      If you like to know more, PM me

      Originally posted by Mike Dwyer

      I've seen you post many times about kurhessian officers. I'm afraid I'm not really familiar with Kurhesse. Could you possibly give me a brief historical rundown?
      Last edited by David Müldner; 10-14-2005, 06:41 AM.


        Indezx on the DOA bei Geile

        Although replying on myself, I learned of a book by Willi Geile. He seems to have made an index on the DOA 1908/1909 in which he describes per order how many and on which pages knights are mentioned. My question will ofcourse be obvious.....does anyone have it and could they looku p the House Order of the Golden Lion and the Wilhelmsorden...because the DOA is a reall pain to go through manually. Just mentionig the pages would suffice, I have lend my library's copy of the DOA.

        Thanks soooo much in advance!!


        PS I hope I could have enlightened some of you on the history of Kurhessen by the previous post!


          Dimitri von Vietinghoff

          Hi David,

          I managed to find some information regarding Dimitri von Vietinghoff:

          Born 21 May 1836 at Ludwigslust as the son of Major Wilhelm von Vietinghoff anf Madeleine n******233;e von Witzendorff. Entered the Mecklenburg J******228;ger as an officer-Aspirant in 1854 and transferred to the Mecklenburg Artillery the following year. In 1863 he bacame a Fl******252;gel-Adjutant to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. During the Franco-German War he was a staff officer on the staff of Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II. In 1872 he bacame a battery commander in Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 6 and in 1875 a Major in the 1. Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment.

          In 1876 he was appointed as the Military Plenipotentiary at the German Embassy in London until 25 March 1882. He retired in 1883 as an Oberst and was appointed Hofmarschall to the Grand Duchess Mother Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. In 1892 he became Oberschlo******223;hauptmann to the Grand Duke Friedrich Franz III with the title of Excellency following in 1895. Appointed Ober-Hofmarschall on the 12th of December 1903. He was still alive in 1914 but I believe he had died by 1922.

          Seconde-Lieutenant: 19.12.55
          Premier-Lieutenant: 5.10.60
          Hauptmann: 30.10.66
          Major: 27.1.75 V
          Oberst-Lieutenant: 16.9.81



            Wooow Glenn...that's just AMAZING!!! where did you find it?

            Thanks a lot!!!!


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