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Generalmajor Arthur Weck (1859-1931)

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    Generalmajor Arthur Weck (1859-1931)


    could please look someone up in a RL for

    "Generalmajor Arthur Weck 1859-1931,
    zuletzt Brigadekommandeur der Infanterie"

    I'd like to know which medals he hold ...


    Visit www.woeschler-orden.de, updated each 1st and 15th a month!


    Hi Saschaw,

    Oberstleutnant Arthur Weck is shown in the 1914 Prussian Rangliste as having just the:

    Roter Adler-Orden 4. Klasse

    In 1914 he was the "etatsmäßiger Stabsoffizier" of 1. Oberrheinisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 97.



      Thank you very much for this quick answer ...

      Visit www.woeschler-orden.de, updated each 1st and 15th a month!



        I may add that he also awarded the Iron Cross second and first class. I am owner of his personal worn IC1stClass since I was lucky enough to buy it directly from his daughter.
        If desired I will attach a picture showing him wearing his decorations. His daughter is a nice old lady so she made me some papercopys of his promotion citations and some other things regarding to my request.

        From my side I am looking desperately for informations about his military carrer and combats.
        I know he took part on the first tank battle in the world, 1917 in Cambrais (France). His HQ was overruned by the allied and he fought personally against a english cavallery man. So he could escape from being captured.

        I would really appreciate it if somebody could post some additional information.

        "SaschW" I hope this is okay for you and it works, because I don't want to open a new post.

        Best Regards, Barmbeker



          Here is the career of Arthur Weck. As you can see, I have not been able to cover the period from mobilization until Oct 1916, during which one can assume he held regimental command.


          Arthur Weck (04.11.1859-21.01.1931)<O></O>
          01.02.19-07.08.19 Kom. d. 82. Inf. Brig.<O></O>
          26.10.16-01.02.19 Kom. d. 108. Inf. Brig.<O></O>
          02.08.14-26.10.16 ??<O></O>
          22.03.13-1914 b. St. d. Inf. R. 97 (Saarburg)<O></O>
          1908-22.03.13 I./Inf. R. 64 (Prenzlau)<O></O>
          13.09.06-1907 aggr. d. Inf. R. 64 (Prenzlau)<O></O>
          1905-13.09.06 Chef 12./Inf. R. 64 (Angermünde)<O></O>
          16.02.01-1904 Chef 3./Inf. R. 64 (Prenzlau)<O></O>
          17.04.97-16.02.01 Adj. d. 7. Inf. Brig. (Bromberg) v. Gren. R. 10<O></O>
          1895-17.04.97 in 1./Gren. R. 10 (Breslau)<O></O>
          1893-1894 in 11./Gren. R. 10 (Schweidnitz)<O></O>
          1892 in 10./Gren. R. 10 (Schweidnitz)<O></O>
          1888-1891 Adj. I./Gren. R. 10 (Breslau)<O></O>
          1887 in 2./Gren. R. 10 (Breslau)<O></O>
          11.09.83-1886 in 5./Gren. R. 10 (<ST1Breslau</ST1)
          Gen.Maj. 18-04-18 L
          Oberst 27-01-15 T2t
          Oberstlt. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:date Month="2" Day="18" Year="2013">18-02-13</st1:date> K
          Major <st1:date Month="9" Day="13" Year="2006">13-09-06</st1:date> R3r
          Hptm. 20-05-97 P<O></O>
          Oblt. 29-03-92<O></O>
          Leutn. 11-09-83<O></O>



            many thanks for your information ! May I ask you where you found those ?

            I am especially interested in his time from 1914-1918 and now I can start some further investigations about his time in the 108.Infanterie-Brigade, because this is the brigade he spent most of his war time. Although I know this will not be easy as I tried before and information only by the internet is not very succesfull in such special cases.

            Anyway here is some ERRATA:

            - I bought his EK1 from his GRANDdaughter !!! (I am not that old)
            - before I can show pictures I have to pay my fee (will be done soon)

            Best Regards,



              I am glad to help. I used my Ranglisten (I have all from 1848 to 1914 except for 1858 and 1865) to trace Weck's career, as well as a few other books for his wartime commands. Unfortunately, there are no published lists of wartime commands for Reserve or Landwehr regiments or for regiments raised after 02.08.1914- therefore it is very hard to trace most of the Oberstleutnants during the first few years of WWI.





                Thanks for your support !

                Kind Regards,


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