Reichsverband der BaltikumkÀmpfer Mitgliedskarte
Landesverband Mitteldeutschland, Ortsgruppe Chemnitz
Viz. Feldwebel Hermann Finsterbusch joined May 13, 1933.
He served in:
II. See-Bataillon - WWI
1. Kurland Inf. Regiment - Baltic campaign
An enameled membership stickpin was available that incorporated the insignia seen on the front of the membership card.
This organization was absorbed into the Reichskriegerbund in 1935.
Landesverband Mitteldeutschland, Ortsgruppe Chemnitz
Viz. Feldwebel Hermann Finsterbusch joined May 13, 1933.
He served in:
II. See-Bataillon - WWI
1. Kurland Inf. Regiment - Baltic campaign
An enameled membership stickpin was available that incorporated the insignia seen on the front of the membership card.
This organization was absorbed into the Reichskriegerbund in 1935.