Another rarer flag from the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold. This organization tried to defend the Weimarer Republik against enemies from the left (KPD/Roter Frontkämpferbund) and from the right wing (NSDAP/SA/SS).
The paramilitary unit of the Reichsbanner were the Schutzformationen (SF). They practized military sports (Wehrsport). Later they called it Schutzsport.
This a flag from a Schutzsportabteilung of the Schutzformationen Nürnberg-Süd.
I think especially in the streets of Nürnberg the SF members had to be very fit, because I'm sure they had a lot of trouble with the NSDAP.
The paramilitary unit of the Reichsbanner were the Schutzformationen (SF). They practized military sports (Wehrsport). Later they called it Schutzsport.
This a flag from a Schutzsportabteilung of the Schutzformationen Nürnberg-Süd.
I think especially in the streets of Nürnberg the SF members had to be very fit, because I'm sure they had a lot of trouble with the NSDAP.