Hi guys,
Hope none of you was a winner on current ebay auction announced as Super seltenes Freikorps Stahlhelm Portrait!Mega scharf !TOP
The foto, which sold for 41,94 EUR !!! has nothing to do with Freikorps and is a picture of Latvian Army sergeant (1st Republic times) with Rezekne Infantry unit badge in wear. I wrote to seller explaining the situation but he just thanked me and made no changes. Here is a foto, just in case.
Hope none of you was a winner on current ebay auction announced as Super seltenes Freikorps Stahlhelm Portrait!Mega scharf !TOP
The foto, which sold for 41,94 EUR !!! has nothing to do with Freikorps and is a picture of Latvian Army sergeant (1st Republic times) with Rezekne Infantry unit badge in wear. I wrote to seller explaining the situation but he just thanked me and made no changes. Here is a foto, just in case.