today I would like to post a harder to find "goody" - in this case helmet mounts for the Lucie NVG.
The BW issues three various versions of the mount - precisely said there are three different "base plates" in use.
The 1/2 second generation plates have the holes for the mount drilled a litle lower than the 3rd generation plates (like mine).
For the Gefechtshelm "schwer" or the ACH style helmets the BW issues the "KSK-Version" mount.
This plate is higher/longer because of the lower profile of this helmet typ.
Anyhow the regular mounts will fit as well.
There are also two "kinds" of mounts in use.
The vertical guard rails of the 3rd Generation mount were extended by 1cm in order to properly us the mount with low profile helmets.
The back hook plate of the 3rd Gen. mounts are also a little different than the 1/2 Gen. hooks.
Enough of my talking - it's time for some picutes now
First set of pictures shows the mount is use.
today I would like to post a harder to find "goody" - in this case helmet mounts for the Lucie NVG.
The BW issues three various versions of the mount - precisely said there are three different "base plates" in use.
The 1/2 second generation plates have the holes for the mount drilled a litle lower than the 3rd generation plates (like mine).
For the Gefechtshelm "schwer" or the ACH style helmets the BW issues the "KSK-Version" mount.
This plate is higher/longer because of the lower profile of this helmet typ.
Anyhow the regular mounts will fit as well.
There are also two "kinds" of mounts in use.
The vertical guard rails of the 3rd Generation mount were extended by 1cm in order to properly us the mount with low profile helmets.
The back hook plate of the 3rd Gen. mounts are also a little different than the 1/2 Gen. hooks.
Enough of my talking - it's time for some picutes now
First set of pictures shows the mount is use.