Before we took off to bring the second batch of MiG-29s to Poland in December 2003. Three LtCols and one full Colonel (our wing CO) in three single-seaters and a two-seater. I am the guy second from left.
As You see, no leather jacket looks like the other. It all comes down to a few standards and a lot of personal taste.
Superb picture of flight jackets in wear. Great reference for the individuality of how patches are worn on flight jackets. I like the red star and the aircraft in the centre of it on the blue bag on the ground.
click and then go to "Press" / "2004 - Air Forces Monthly" and You will find the story "Farewell Red Diva!" of this delivery flight to Poland as published in AFM May 2004.
Interesting article on the MiG 29 hand over. I found the picture of the Wing Commander wearing the G-suit that did not need to be connected to the aircraft very interesting. First time that I have heard about this development.