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Gerry Cans in the BW

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    Interesting info. It never occured to me that the number contained hazmat shipping info.




      Well while going thru my storage closest looking for other items I came across my "Jerry Can"... There is no date nor other indentifaction marks except with what you see. I picked this up in a surrplus store years ago.

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        Hello Joe,

        I'm told (reliably) that these are Swiss. I have a couple of these in my collection.




          Swiss ???? Wow didn't know that I'm gonna have to add this to the list. I was only aware of German, Russian, and British...




            Yes, the swiss definitely used this type of can... depending on information from another forum the cans used by the swiss army had little removable plates, which can be attached to the handle, indicating what the can actually contains (oil/diesel/petroleum/gas). Sadly I cant find a picture of this detail...

            Cans of the shown type without NSN or other kind of "official insignia" also can be cans produced for the civil marked !! These are widespread here in germany, not only in variouse conditions on the fleamarked, even one can purchase them in brand new condition ...




              Thanks Jens you mean like this plate?

              Attached Files


                Although the can in the other forum should have been older as its plates where made from brass this should be such a sign! So this can should be a suisse can ! If you like I can post your picture elsewhere to confirm...



                  Hello Jens and Joe,

                  Has anyone seen the Swedish Gerry-can?

                  I ask this because I have one of the pouring attachments for them. Aluminium base for attaching to the 'can and rubber nozzle. How do I know it's Swedish? Because it has the 'Three Crowns' marking upon it. Curiously, it "fits" my West German can like a glove. Not so the Swiss ones, however.

                  Jens, is there a German equivalent of this attachment? If so, do you have one? If you do, is it marked in any way, ie. code numbers, etc.?




                    Yes, a pouring device (Kannisterausgiesser) for the standart diesel can is part of the on board equipmant of every BW vehicle. One or two are somewhere in my house but I cant say if they are BW or not ... the civil ones look much the same and its realy possible that the BW purchased "cots" (ommercial off the shelv) products militarized by adding the NSN on a paper label...
                    This item (pic from www.) should be an actual version for lead-free petrol ... the difference to the older ones is the thin tube outlet as the gas tank inlet on cars suited only for leadfree petrol are smaller:

                    From sweden I only have seen pictures of a small 5 liter can...also showing the three crowns and the standart outlet. So its no wonder that your pourer fits to the german can... . If you have a can with a bigger outlet - placed central on the can and not on the left side - you got a can used for lubricants (engine or gearing oil)



                      Hello Jens,

                      Vielen dank!

                      I had to acquire a 'cots' version in order to be able to use the Swedish cans in conjunction with the 181. I would love to acquire a BW Kannisterausgiesser (if one exists), so that I can 'marry' it to the 'Bund'-marked can. Your comment on the location of the outlet is also of great interest. I shall keep my eye open for one! Two new items to seek on Ebay de.

                      Final comment: I also have one of the French 'Vin' cans (dated 1955). One of my favourite pieces of equipment, for obvious reasons. It is also a 5 litre capacity, but for a different kind of lubricant! It's a big hit when I take the Kubel out for camping weekends!




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